I thought long and hard about this . Prayed for a few days , - TopicsExpress


I thought long and hard about this . Prayed for a few days , wondering what should I say . Wednesday my hospice Dr. was here with my nurse . Blood work done on Tuesday . I feel a new lump on my right breast , same breast I had lumpectomy done in. 08 . With 16 lymph nodes removed because one came back positive . I also have this thick fatty lump wrapping around into my armpit . Yes. , another tumor . The Dr. at first whispered to my daughter in law something ,I was on the phone . I said what did he say. He sat down next to me and said my cancer is spreading . My liver enzymes are elevated . 7 nodes in my stomach are full of cancer hiding behind my liver . My stomach is huge , my body is blowing up . I have a foley in and I pee so much its crazy , over 7000 cc a day. . Im on a large Dose of lasix a day . Dr . Soh mailed all my scans to me . Tumor in my skull doubled in size . My entire spine , pelvis , ribs ..loaded with C .we knew about this for yrs now. , but didnt expect the new news . I almost died in Jan . And I pulled thru it. . If I didnt have this pain I would never think me with C . again. . Ive been battling this disease for 6 yrs now. . I feel so blessed it stayed in my bones . Still is now. , except we dont know about the liver. . They dont do any other testing to check. . Hospice just makes you comfortable. . I am too. , I cry at times then I pull myself together . No more tears. .. Why because I know The Lord is healing me. . I dont doubt it for one minute. . I will fight like a dirty girl to live . Even the Dr. . Said your not ready. , hell no who would be ? Besides my looks and pain I feel wonderful. . Im getting a lot of messages lately looking for an update . You , my friends and family , Im still here because of you. . Yes , Im a Christian and for some reason Our Father is not ready for me. . Im learning a lot lately reading my Bible . My faith lately is getting so strong . I believe he is using me to help others . Trust in The Lord , believe he can do all things , heal . He forgives every sin if you repent. . Ok , just letting you know my beliefs . Everyone of you Im so thankful for . The power of prayer is so wonderful . I have the most amazing family and friends a girl could ever want . So , I hit another bump in the road . I pulled through this so many times . I can do it again , I hate asking for favors , I dont sit around complaining about my pain to my visitors . I enjoy your company , laugh , we take pictures and always eat if its lunch . I get more visitors now then I ever did . I LOVE IT ... Favor. , please dont forget me , a simple thought of me to be healed is all you have to do . God , knows your heart already . My brother bought every herb that cures cancer . Margaret Miller Costa has every oil that does magic for my pain . She rubs me with Frankincense where the tumors are . I have it made . My nieces , daughter in laws , friends come for lunch a lot . My sons come here more now then when they lived here . My husband does everything for me . My sisters and Mom call me everyday just about . I say , I love you three simple words to say everyday . You wont regret that one . Heres my update ... Now you know why all the pictures . Sorry , about kyour timeline . Thank you again , I love you all for helping me . We will prove how praying works . Good night , sorry I took long writing this . Im doing it late so Im not bothering too many timelines tonight .
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 04:58:41 +0000

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