I thought to start a new section on Cryme Disease pages where I - TopicsExpress


I thought to start a new section on Cryme Disease pages where I write a bit more freely, but the basis of much of this research we put out via actionlyme more. I thought it was a good idea to start by making an ideological thinking and presenting it to readers. I would like suggestions to make it better. Ideology is a holistic mindset of political or philosophical theories about how society should be governed. The discussion around Lyme Disease has been nearest a war between two ideologies. To simplify the picture somewhat, we can say that there has been a war between two ideologies. IDSA grouping (the official) and ILADS (private). Two groups who have been at loggerheads for years. Patients have largely sworn to ILADS mindset in that they have had an offer to patients who have not been caught by the forged Borrelia tests. This has obviously been a quote for those with the financial means to carry their own treatment. Weve come to a point where we must look beyond the treatment retingslinjer we must follow. At this point, both groups keep the fight going to prevent prosecution or to keep monetary machinery consistently in its usual slot. The danger is great that some in private will be too dependent on their income to admit that some disease mechanisms actually puts their practice at risk. It must be prosecutions for getting rid of the monopoly on both sides. People who are subject to exposure to viruses, bacteria, parasites, mold, vaccines and other immune suppressive procedural elements will have help in the public helsevenet on par with other developing severe disease. We want to affect patients, doctors in both the private and the public health authorities, media and others to realize that we have a large group of people because of these problems Engineered AIDS mimetic immunity where reactivation viruses including reactivate EBV - CMW virus and stands in great danger of incurring a very serious condition that hardly can be reversed easily with perpetual antibiotics. We must increasingly focus on the triggers that lead many into diseases with many of the same abnormalities. Recent research shows that many of these patients end up with what the literature called mail sepsis syndrome. We believe that the word chronic sepsis is a more descriptive word. This research corresponded very well with the excellent results of Rituximab against ME patients for this is a cancer medicine used in leukemia patients is the blodforgiftede. The medication is also used against MS that has many similarities with this group with chronic sepsis. Our ideology. Our ideology can be summarized as follows. We want to push the public and the private to give us the right and treating in a manner research (which is not faked) shows that it should be. We should be able to claim as good as others follow with mimetic illness. We also believe we should look towards the treatment methods as eg leukemia patients, MS patients and AIDS patients receive. We are fighting for it to get massive and credible research on these diseases. We will fight for the state (we) should not experience again to be deceived by people with an agenda to make money. It should therefore be strong requirement that the research is based on patients interests and not controlled by criminals with mafia methods. We are not second-class citizens even though criminals have made large groups invisibles helsevesnet Its time to occupy justice for all vulnerable groups!
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 08:30:09 +0000

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