I tnx u 4ol da blssngs tht u hve gven me.tnx u 4 da s3ngth nd - TopicsExpress


I tnx u 4ol da blssngs tht u hve gven me.tnx u 4 da s3ngth nd wisdom 2 comquer nl my trials.fther u knw my needs u knw my s3ngth nd weaknesses.so here iam asking 4 ur guidance as i look 4 a job. I pray tht u wll blss me wth da bst nd da ryt job tht i su4t mx famly nd me. Fathr pls guide me us i go 2 dffrnt intervw nd hlp me 2 alwys do my vry bst also fthr pls alwys open my mnd n cse of rejection i pray fthr tht u wll alwys v thre 4 me nd wll alwys remind me of the virtue of patience ,,,,,,AMEN (buona notte 2ti)
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:31:28 +0000

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