I told all of the kids I love so much that just because mikayla is - TopicsExpress


I told all of the kids I love so much that just because mikayla is staying on campus now, that they arent allowed to not come to my house and visit like normal. I have rights too, ya know? Im so blessed to be able to love my other kids the way I get to love them. Kendra came for visitation this weekend, and hung out with the Heathers. And this other mother...feels so honored that these kids love me back. Reaally, my house is kind of quiet most of the time, and Im a boring old lady. The cool kid is in college, but K stuck it out for the night, so she wouldnt have to listen to me whine anymore. I love it. And Tammy, thank you for sharing her sunshine with me. But I been fighting this horrible cold...even tho I was happy the blondie was here, all I wanted to do was make this stupid salsa before my peppers went bad, and whine about feeling like crap. Needless to say..when the pager dropped tones for a working house fire, I was a hot pepper mess, out in the yard, crying into my onions about how bad my life sucked. Wondering if I had taken Cactus in college like my grown up kid, maybe I could grasp how much mucus one can produce in one sinus cavity. Cause I had to be a big equation over the legal limit. My life sucked so bad, I wished I would have taken cactus. Yep. I was a mess. Now it REALLY sucked. I had to go in public and work. When I say mess, I mean... there are no words for this bed head some days. Today was that kind of day. And I smelled like a green pepper, and my camera was here, my bag there. Batteries?? Ahhh. Dalton to the rescue. For the first time in like forever, it was a confirmed fire, between here and the fire trucks. Which means Fire 7 gears up at home, and gets to go in, and isnt on a truck. Which means hes driving to the scene, not the station. Light bulb. Dalton...Son..RUN. Catch your dad and ride with him. I will be 10 min behind you. (I LOVE LOVE that we are employed by the same company. I guess this would be an example of me taking advantage of that) So my little hero saved my day, and gave me the 10 minutes I needed to get over myself and find my crap and go do my job. My job, photographing the fire scene of our heros, as they do their job. Holding a camera holds no light to holding a fire hose inside something on fire, but my job isnt always so fun either. If its hot for them, its hot out for me too. If its 20 below for them, I am no warmer with my camera. Until today, I have never called in sick. I went to the scene, took a few pictures, gave my usual hugs, and took a few more pictures. It was a gorgeous day outside, which makes EVERYTHING even more photogenic. Then suddenly it came over me, how unbelievably humbling it was for me today to work a fire scene with BOTH of my men in full concentration on the task at hand, fully involved... Watching him adore his dad and his brothers and capture it with the shutter release almost gave me a mushy kind of tear in my eye. Them arms..all sweaty and glistening in the sun was the beginning of a Christian Grey kind of novel starting to unravel in my mind... Then all of a sudden, I remembered I had salsa to finish. And now, photos to upload for work, cupcakes I HAD to try to make, and two hungry working men to feed dinner. I felt my blood pressure raise in my sinus headache with every heart beat. My list. I had forgotten how big it was, for a hot second. Good thing trucks were being released when reality came over me. Nobody has time for a fire today. Especially me. It was Dayquill time. All kidding aside, my thoughts go out to the home owner or renter or whoever lost their possessions today. House fires are so tragic and sad. When we photo journal a structure fire, the focus is not on the fire itself, but ALL of the work, dedication, training, teamwork, and endurance ALL of our responders put into a fire scene, and the brotherhood that makes a dangerous job much safer. It tells a story on every fire scene that words cant. I am SO honored to somehow have fallen into this position. And today when I called in sick for the day and that pager went off, My son filled my spot on a fire scene until I got there, and I have to say, I may call in sick more often. When I uploaded his SD card this evening, I couldnt wipe the proud smirk off of my face for a second. He took some outstanding photos today, and he sees so many little things overlooked by most thru his lens. Very difficult to narrow the many (many) pictures we both captured, to an album for publication for work. The boy has talent. I absolutely love the way he looks at life. Hes got this. Hes only been in training for years. One day he will make one He&& of a fireman too. Hes been in training for that job even longer.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 09:07:00 +0000

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