I took a lot of time to try and write an outline in as few words - TopicsExpress


I took a lot of time to try and write an outline in as few words as possible but it is still very long and I hope some of you will at least acknowledge reading because this is all well researched and well thought out. I really cut short the last two categories because I dont think anybody will read that far, but if you do I would love to elaborate! Obama is very competent, educated, and intelligent and he has used the myth that he isn’t very expertly as he has fundamentally changed America. When he promised to fundamentally change America everybody had their own image of hope and change, but nobody bothered to look at his books, where he was raised and by whom, the teachers and professors he idolized and their beliefs, who his friends and confidants were, and even what his church stood for. From studying those things I have reached the conclusion that what he is doing to the country is by design and for a very real set of beliefs. He does not believe in capitalism and he thinks the United States is a bully that has taken its wealth from the third world and that to make it right America has to become just another nation with no more influence than any other. He believes that there will never be equity in the third world until there is a United States of Islam that runs from Pakistan across North Africa to the Atlantic with as much military, industrial, and economic might as the United States. Finally he may be a Christian as he professes, but he is very Islamic sympathetic and based on his actions I would think he would be more comfortable is a Mosque than most Christian churches I have attended. There is a plan, long ago written to achieve those goals. He has worked it like a master. The economic side: Communism, government ownership of business, cannot happen until capitalism is destroyed. That is accomplished by: 1. Taking over healthcare. By controlling health care one has more control over the individual. Look it up. I am not making this up. 2. Borrowing at as huge a rate as possible to fund government giveaways; he has added $10 trillion to the debt in just five years. 3. Printing worthless money to cause inflation; Quantitate Easing is what he is calling it. They print $80 billion a month and buy bonds with it to hold down interest rates and keep the stock markets soaring. It amounts to Wall Street Welfare. 4. Regulating business and banking to the point business is nearly choked off. EPA comes to mind. 5. Inflating energy prices… he has systematically destroyed the coal industry, nuclear energy, and has blocked new refineries, pipe lines, and any new wells on public lands. The only fly in this ointment for him has been the enormous amount produced or private lands. 6.Extending government benefits such as unemployment insurance (99 months!), food stamps (doubled under Obama), housing assistance, of course health insurance, Obama phones, etc. 7.Funding the machine by using the borrowed money to donate to sham business that funnel it back to the communist, read Democrat, party. Solyndra comes to mind but there are many more. 8.Gun control. 9.Use government agencies to intimidate enemies and gather data and leverage on as many as possible. The IRS and NSA scandals are bigger than I could have ever imagined and think about the pressure they can bring on key people with just those two! 10. “We can no longer rely on the military for all our protection. We need an equally well funded and trained civilian force.” That would be the Department of Homeland Security. They have deployed tanks that were diverted from the military, they have bought enough bullets to have run the Iraq war for 22 years, they have bought helicopters, M-16s, and have been funded to deploy 30,000 drones. They ONLY operate in the United States so all of those things are to be used against you. 11. Open boarders, with all the free give aways and no consequences for illegally immigrating they further put pressure on the work force and the culture. 12. Creating high unemployment by all of the above is aimed at when the bubble finally burst, the fake money, destroyed industry, and ballooned debt all explode, that the capitalist system will collapse and in that moment people will realize that only the government can take care of them. They will believe that because of all the handouts listed above and all the propaganda about how evil and greedy business caused the collapse they engineered. The United States of Islam: 1. Allow and even assist friendly governments in the middle east that are not very nice guys to collapse so they will be replaced by fundamentalist Muslim governments; Egypt, Libya, and now Syria. Yemen and Jordan are only holding on by a thread. After all our blood in Iraq we left them to their own devices too and they are not much better. 2. The end of Israel. He has given their military secrets to the other side. He has told them to give away their land and negotiated deals where the Palestinians are allowed to militarize and Israel is expected to demilitarize. The result is almost daily missiles into Israel. They once held the peace in conjunction with Egypt in the western Mediterranean but now the Egyptian government is dedicated to the eradication of Israel. 3. The stable governments have been destabilized and it is only a matter of a few more dominos falling and a Muslim leader rising that can unite them. I am not altogether convinced this will happen because the various factions of Islam hate each other almost as much as they hate us and they are perfectly willing to negotiate, like with us, as long as the other side winds up dead for the glory of Allah. Reducing America to just another nation: 1. What do you think about Obama handing Syria over to the Russians that have had about zero influence in the Middle East since the 70s? 2. Energy dependence; that was listed in the ways to destroy capitalism but is just as important in losing world dominance. Instead of not needing energy from the world, the US has to buy it and protect others that produce it even if they are our enemies. Instead of setting the world price, we grovel at the feet of those that would be the leaders of the United States of Islam. 3. Military exhaustion; fight endless wars with continuing reductions in spending and deployment of new weapon systems. Make the troops suffer through multiple deployments in war zones. 4. Undermine military tradition by forcing out officers that are not loyal to the leader. I have posted much about officers being forced out if they say they would not order their troops to fire on Americans.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 02:45:21 +0000

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