I took a nap and just woke up. In East Texas where i grew up ppl - TopicsExpress


I took a nap and just woke up. In East Texas where i grew up ppl like us who talk about what we know are far spread because the whole area is ran by a very wealthy baptist church. Which is significant because this started out as a big gathering of people carrying signs and wearing space suit costumes and a man on a stage talking... All under the guise of being someone like Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project. It kinda skipped to where i was in a dark place waking up and there were some men there talking to myself and a few others of us and saying they knew that we had reached a point of heightened psychic ability and they needed our help with something so we were going to be staying there.. It all seemed kinda like Gladiator or something weird But we were hooked up to these machines where they were using us for something.. But i kept going in and out of the dark place and somewhere that felt like we were in school to learn to do remote viewing. It was so crazy though and like everyone around didnt seem to realize or mind that none of us Wanted to be there... I was doing a remote viewing exercise when i ran into a few other people and started talking about what was happening. It was all very detailed and its hard to explain but we collectively figured out what was happening. I dont even remember now what our conclusion was about the reason we were being used.. It was to steal information from people though. They were like, using us to create diversions. I dunno. Anyways these other people and i figured out that the only time we were actually physically anywhere we remembered was while we were on these machines that were hooked too us out in some big field.. There were several of us on each one. So we planned a way to physically get out of it and in my dream it seemed very complex and i cant really explain it but it seemed like one of those big metal spheres that you can get inside of and roll it around. We snuck out somehow and our plan was to get together and astral project ourselves to a place that these men were who had been making us stay there, and we were going to kill them. The last thing i remember is that this man was boiling a big pot of something and i had projected myself there and was able to pick up this huge pot and pour it onto him from behind.. I dunno. I really dont know what that meant but it seemed important when i woke up.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:35:52 +0000

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