I took the ACA post down because of some heated feelings popping - TopicsExpress


I took the ACA post down because of some heated feelings popping up on both sides...but I just missed an incredible post that I wanted to include before the verbal sparring was over. My sentiments exactly. The post I was going to leave about ACA Kevin McCorkle Car Insurance------when Ca decided it would be law for everyone to have car insurance and you would have to show any cop that stopped you PROOF of insurance the same arguments abounded. Prices will sky rocket, how dare the govt make me buy insurance, my deductible will be too high etc. etc. When the smoke cleared though rates dropped for everyone because everyone had to buy insurance. These stories of Mustangs and Beat up Vans are soap box grandiosity. Some policies may go up a bit for a while........because they are better policies covering what they are supposed to cover. Sure some doctors and hospitals are pissed and opting out cause it is hitting their bottom line and affect their profits they want people to panic and run for the hills. As a person who was diagnosed with Leukemia last year and whose bills will probably be more than 2 million dollars when they all come in I agree with Fred. The previous cap of 1 million on my insurance before ACA and the preexisting conditions nullification by ACA are lifesavers....literally...for me. Instead of fighting and bickering about socialism we should see how through co-operation and in the interest of all of us we can fix the health care system so that costs are reduced and profits are reigned in to save lives and heal people with reasonable yet fair costs to both the patient and health care professionals and institutions. Again these stories about outrageous new costs add fuel to the fire and most often are about people and families Ive heard about I have yet to talk to anyone in all my visits to the hospital this year who personally have been affected in a grossly adverse way. Most of the patients in the hospital hail the new policy and have had a positive experience. I guess it is a matter of walk a mile in my shoes although I dont wish that on anyone.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 15:37:05 +0000

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