I travelled to the united states of america when I was about five - TopicsExpress


I travelled to the united states of america when I was about five years old. I know I was about five years and six months when I made it to america. I started planning this journey with some of the very small two year old children in the house where I lived. I told them that I had to leave them behind for a few weeks to find my birth mother to ask her for her help with this woman that kidnapped me and to ask her for help with my children. I took my latino passport with me and one paper from the forged and/or faked adoption papers my female kidnapper made. I knew that I would need to provide evidence on papers that I was aborted against my mother her will and that I was kidnapped and that I really am the person that is described on these adoption papers and these different passports. I only had one adress of contact and that was the adress of my birth mother her adoptif parents. I started the first plans to travel to the united states of america when I was four years old. I knew I would need a lot of money to buy a ticket for an airplaine. I can not really explain much about how I made money to buy this ticket because it sound so childish to me. The real reason I can not explain even more about this time is because of the ungoing abuse from other victims of this female that kidnapped me. In Belgium she received the registration with the name Maria Van Aert. I knew my youngest infant children needed milk so I took the very youngest and my first born grandchildren with me because I was breast feeding all of them. I asked to oldest children to take care of themself and the small garden where we grew vegetables for ourself. I asked them to be very carefull with this abusive woman as she continued to live in this house with me and my children. I told my children that I would be home in a few weeks and that they really needed to continue to learn to read and write and pray and do yoga like I learned them and continue their gym classes in the upstair bedroom and in the living room. I asked one of the children to sleep outside of the house in a small building in the back of the garden so he could leave the house very easily without the kidnapper harrasing or attacking him to bring food to the prisoners. I told the other children to bring food to this place so this person could travel to the prisoners to feed them. Eventually one of the other children risked his life to bring food to the other side of the country where these people where held in very small and dirty cages under the ground in something that can best be described as a basement. I travelled to the united states and I found these people. They where hypocrits with me. They told me that they would call the police if I would enter their house and they shouted at me and they told me that they do not like immigrants in their country. Especially latinos like me. I tried to tell them that I am not a latino. They took my papers from me and my money and my children. It was very difficult to get back to europe. There was a lot of violence against me. I can not explain how I escaped these greedy people and travelled back to europe. I know my children where angry with me when I came back to europe because it was very difficult for them to survive with this woman without my help. I tried to talk to these people again and they took all of the adoption papers that I had with me from me and just threw them in a closeth in their house. The woman did this to my birth papers. I asked them if they could please explain to me where my mother lived and how I could find her. I think I stayed away from my children for almost two years. I lived in fear for their lives every day because of these two old selfish arrogant old hypocrits. I allready earned money and that money was put in a banc account under the name on that passport. I have more then one name and I had more then one passport. I earned money to put money on every one of these banc accounts attached to my name. Life was horrible.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 13:08:19 +0000

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