I tried not to post this but I feel compelled now with all the - TopicsExpress


I tried not to post this but I feel compelled now with all the posts I am seeing this week about Obama. It is official that my cancer was directly caused by Obama and Obamacare. Yes I can blame him. The doctors were reluctant to tell me the truth but I finally was able to deduce where I got it from. It is a strong strain of bullcrap followed by ineptness and apathy to my well being that caused this type of cancer. Had Romney been elected into office and had his health plan approved this would never had happened. His state plan was what we needed at the federal level. When I first went to urgent care in august we had a great health insurance plan thru lauries work. But because of Obama and the upcoming Obamacare the drs and radiologist couldn’t do their job and completely missed the diagnose. Their focus had to be on how to survive new rules instead of how to treat my health. How could we let an administration do this to our health profession. Then once my wife lost her job and the bill came to continue under the cobra plan again Obama and Obamacare did us wrong there too. While she was working we had the best health care plan I have ever seen for 165 biweekly. The cobra plan was $2100 per month. So for the next 6 months I had to suffer because of drs not focused on my treatment and wound up with third stage throat cancer. Luckily I found a new ENT that didn’t care about what Obama said or did or what Obamacare meant and saw me anyway. Once she checked me out she IMMEDIATELY started to proceed with helping. Yes we can continue to blame Obama for everything and I guess its good to have a scapegoat. But this post sounds about as stupid as the posts I keep seeing about him, his administration, his health plan, and his record. When I was in the hospital and was informed I officially had cancer and will need radiation and chemo I didn’t care what insurance I had, didn’t have, who the president was or what anyone thought about him. All I know was I needed treatment and I needed it immediately. And laying in the hospital bed constantly seeing people who are blindly lead away like flies to a flame from the real issues at hand is so depressing and makes me sick to my stomach. And I am not on meds or chemo yet. Maybe the meds will help me get thru the BS on FB.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:54:07 +0000

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