I tried to avoid this for a couple of weeks, but Angela Walker - TopicsExpress


I tried to avoid this for a couple of weeks, but Angela Walker Jarvis were too good for me not to get sucked in. So its supposed to be what you dont already know about me, right? Hmmm this is gonna be hard for this open book kind of gal - but here goes nothing! #1 Watching the movie, Syriana, made me feel stupid because I just didnt get it. The person I watched it with didnt get it either. So we felt lovely feeling dumb together. #2 As a child I was extremely jealous of my brothers tap dancing skills and cried when he was asked to be in special classes and I wasnt. #3 When I used to go out to clubs and bars my fake name was Mariah and my fake number was a combo of my mom and grandmas addresses. #4 I smoked cigarettes for four months when I was at St. Marys College and didnt stop even when I got strep throat. I ended up being on anti-biotics from November through March and decided it just wasnt worth it. #5 I married the same man three times in one year. #6 When I was about 10 years old I hit a person in a hotel elevator after being told that elevators tend to get stuck when people press the buttons too much or too hard. She kept hitting one button over and over again - so I slapped her hand. I think my parents were a wee bit embarrassed. #7 Nicknames I have been called - PC, Ewok, Larry, Silly Lena, Pooh Bear, Bootser, Bootserifigus, DT, Baby Boob, Made Coach #8 When baseball went on strike in 94 I wrote a 5 page letter to Peter Magowan telling him to wake up and think about the kids who dont care about dollar signs and just want to see the heroes at the plate. He sent me back a hand written letter. #9 I am writing this wearing dinosaur zip-up footie pajamas.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 05:18:52 +0000

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