I tried to make this a note, but it didnt work, so, here is my - TopicsExpress


I tried to make this a note, but it didnt work, so, here is my Guide to Fighting Modern Day Slavery. I can send you the pdf/doc version, just ask! There are approximately 27 million slaves around the world today, more than at any other time in history. They are any gender, and any age, from children to the very elderly. Some are even born into slavery though debt bondage. They are forced into domestic servitude, prostitution, and hard labor, and usually face intense violence at the hands of their enslavers. But, we can fight it! There are all kinds of steps that you can take, so join me in ending modern day slavery. 1. Learn More; these are a few suggestions, but searches on Google and Amazon will of course yield more results of books and organizations a. Films ungift.org/knowledgehub/media/films.html b. Fact Sheet i. secure.notforsalecampaign.org/human-trafficking/ ii. Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report 2014 by Department of State notforsalecampaign.org/stories/2014/06/24/trafficking-persons-tip-report-2014/ c. Books i. Not for Sale, David Batstone ii. Disposable People, Kevin Bales d. Organizations i. Not for Sale notforsalecampaign.org ii. International Justice Mission ijm.org iii. Sold Project thesoldproject 2. Buy Slavery Free; probably one of the most important steps you can take, know where your products come from and how they were made. a. Free2work.org is a project of Not for Sale, which gives letter grades to companies based on how transparent their supply chains are. Look up your favorite brands here before you go shopping b. Free2Work is also a mobile app! Available on all smartphone devices. c. Some companies were created by/for survivors of human trafficking, providing them with dignified livelihoods after they escape slavery i. https://rebbltonic/ ii. isanctuary.org/ iii. madebysurvivors/ iv. stoptraffickfashion/ v. storenvy/stores/7793-the-sold-project-store d. Shop to support organizations that fight human trafficking i. notforsalecampaign.org/shop/ 3. Spread the Word; tell your friends, tell your family, tell everyone you know about human trafficking, and encourage them to engage the problem. The more people fight, the closer we are to setting slaves free. 4. Join a Movement a. You can join any of the organizations I have mentioned, and sign up for news and action alerts b. Look for organizations that fight trafficking in your community, most communities do have one. 5. Start a Movement; if you can’t find the right organization to join, or if you want to localize your action, then start your own organization in your school or town. a. Get your friends interested, getting things off the ground will be much easier with help b. If you are starting a campus club, check with your leadership board on the qualifications you need to meet c. Advertise- make flyers, get them approved, and post them on available signposts. Find college courses with related subjects (international relations, human rights, sociology) and ask the professors if you can speak about your club. Have a mini flyer to pass out with club and meeting details d. Hold events, collaborate with other organizations, fundraise for victims, survivors, and organizations, hold an awareness event or concert, invite speakers, have workshops, brainstorm! Use the unique talents of those in your group to fight slavery Please let me know of other ideas and resources that you’ve found useful. Feel free to contact me to let me know what you’re doing to take action, I’d love to hear about it!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:00:45 +0000

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