I truely believe a friendship is meant to be a 2-way street. If - TopicsExpress


I truely believe a friendship is meant to be a 2-way street. If someone doesnt contribute to your life then I believe you need to surround yourself with people who will care and give you as much as you would give them back in return. `I tried to be a friend with a girl but I didnt think it went anywhere. I asked her on numerous occasions if she wanted to skype or if we could use zello or whatsapp to communicate as audioboo isnt realtime and its easier and more pleasant to talk in realtime where a conversation can flow and where you can spend time together. `i also suggested that she maybe would consider an olympus or some kind of recorder which would work for her so she could record not only for audioboo but also for herself. `many times we talked but it wasnt very deep or it was just a hello goodbye footsack and come back kind of conversation. She was a lovely girl but `i didnt think she was very deep and each to their own but I felt that even though we sometimes checked on how each other was, the relationship wasnt growing. People say that if people dont make a difference in your life then you must move forward but thats exactly what I did but now she comes to me weeks later after I unfriend her from twitter and audioboo and then says she is used to people abandoning her and its funny I didnt discuss things with her but how many times do I have to tell you that I want to chat. Twice or three times I asked her if she would send me a friend request on facebook as when I type in her name and surname, I get many results and they dont seem correct but I never got a response from her and she never sent me a request. So many people want to be friends on social networks but if you never talk or if you just sit on someones list then that is supposedly fine but I dont see the point of that. I dont have anything against this girl but we just didnt seem to be on the same level and she seemed to be very shallow. She plays alot with her baby cousins and thats fine but even on her public audioboos, she couldnt seem to communicate well. She can be anyway she likes but I also feel I need more and I have some wonderful people in my life but I hope to find more people who think and are on the same level I am. I feel that a friendship will only grow if you tend to it, its like a garden with flowers and plants. If you dont nurture and look after the garden and pull out the weeds and make sure there are no insects to destroy the garden then it can grow and prosper but if you neglect the garden and dont look after it and dont give it attention then it will become full of weeds and look dry and die. That is exactly what a friendship is like too.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 19:58:39 +0000

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