I truly hope the nurse in Fort Kent does not become ill with - TopicsExpress


I truly hope the nurse in Fort Kent does not become ill with Ebola. I would not wish that on anyone and certainly not her, as she, prior to her return to Maine, demonstrated great courage and compassion. That said, she and the medical professionals in Maine have demonstrated a callous disregard for the public. They have turned what was a situation about public safety into a political fight right before an election. The Op-Ed in the Press Herald by the two doctors was particularly disturbing. You can look it up for yourself if you are interested. Their third point seems to fly in the face of all common sense and displays total disregard for the public. They said they were concerned that a mandatory quarantine would discourage volunteers from going to Africa to fight Ebola. They said that most people cannot take off an additional three weeks from work when they return. These two doctors are suggesting, by their Editorial, that medical professionals who were still within the 21 day incubation period from their last exposure to Ebola return to treating patients. That is what medical professionals do, they treat patients. Would you want your nurse, while still in the 21 day incubation period from exposure to Ebola to be serving you in a medical capacity? Guess what? You do not get to make that choice because you will not be notified in advance that they are still in the 21 day incubation period. Would you want your child treated by a doctor who was still in the 21 day incubation period from their last exposure to Ebola? Again, you do not get to make that choice because you are not allowed to be informed of that information. The state of Rhode Islands Department of Health issued a warning to dentists that they must treat Ebola patients in their practice or face fines, license suspension or even license revocation. Again, you are not allowed to know that your dentist has treated a patient with Ebola. As an aside, why would someone with Ebola be at a dentist office? The point is, these medical professionals are allowing their political leanings to determine medical procedures. The Op-Ed in todays Portland Press Herald was irresponsible. There are many in the medical profession who have come forward today to say just that ... they are allowing their rigid political ideology to determine their medical decisions. Lastly, why was Attorney Soley who was defending the Nurse in Fort Kent in Court brought to tears over the Judges decision to allow her to do as she pleases? I thought the point of all of this from his position and the medical profession was to allow rational thinking, not emotion, to determine the most prudent course. It seems the only people who have no say with regard to public safety is the public. What a damn shame
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 20:03:22 +0000

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