(*I truly hope this makes sense..I have a terrible migraine and - TopicsExpress


(*I truly hope this makes sense..I have a terrible migraine and can barely see this tiny phone screen. Please excuse they typos, etc!!) **If you happen to have any extra room in your prayer requests, I and my family could truy use your continued prayers. I am very sick again today...I feel certain it is stress induced. I have just received the results from lab tests that my Dr. has been working with me on, that confirm that I have Lupus, and it is absolutely exacerbated by stress. (My little sister also has Lupus. I was diagnosed years ago with fibromyalgia and CFS, among other autoimmune diseases, which is a big part of what is going on in my life, that I have not often discussed.) I have not applied for disability because I had hoped that we would not have to go that route by doing a loan modification to lower our mortgage payment. We applied for the loan mod. and did meet the qualifications and was APPROVED, but due to a huge error of inaccurate information by our HUD REP, LANC and JP MORGAN CHASE, we were instructed by CHASE to reject that loan mod. offer and to simply reapply. (Which is what we were in the process of doing, when, due to a simple, but huge and completely detrimental for us, failure in communication by CHASE; our mortgage servicer, to the lender; FANNIE MAE, our home was sold out from under us before we could take legal action to prevent it. We were either being lied to by Chase, who told us they would postpone the sale, which the clerk of court also said they would do, or it was just another error on the Chase customer specialists part. We have been told by numerous governmental agencies that oversee the banking and mortgage industry that it most likely was just another error on their part, which is exactly what they have been in huge trouble for, by not hiring enough employees to handle the demand for the loan mod. program, as well as lack of adequate training for those they did hire!!) We have now been kicked out, (literally into the streets), of our home of 22+ yrs. This is huge, and I will explain more later, but it is exactly what these MEGA BANKS have been in massive trouble for with the FEDERAL GOVT., and they are still at it. (COSTING THE TAX PAYERS MEGA BUCKS! Chase was just fined, and agreed to the SETTLEMENT amount of 13 BILLION DOLLARS, the largest fine ever, in the history of the nation, against a bank! And that was only a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of revenue they made off of the American public with these ILLEGAL FORECLOSURES!! We received a big $2k settlement, which is nothing compared to the absolute torment and HELL they have put us through, and STILL, from that lawsuit...yet still lost our home, and approx. $60-$80k of equity!!) We were not part of the market who were over qualified for our mortgage amount and bought a home over our heads that we couldnt afford, (we bought this house 22+ yrs ago), or the bubble loans, or upside down in our mortgage. We are part of the average American citizens who fell on very HARD TIMES after 9/11/01 and lost employment when a company employed with over 15 yrs went under, and then unable to find employment due to the outrageous unemployment rate. We did not use the system! We spent every penny we had, (for the kids college funds, etc), and even sold our beach house to start a business in desperate attempt to produce income, for survival, (and buy family health insurance and pay medical bills, etc., which was outrageous at the time)! This could happen to anyone, who unexpectedly loses a job, (especially if you are among the elder population in the work field), and/or anyone who developes failing health, and becomes unable to work full time, etc. Those issues are hardship enough to struggle to over come, without BIG BANKS SCREWING YOU OUT OF EVERYTHING YOU HAVE WORKED YOUR ENTIRE LIFE FOR, SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY CAN GET BY WITH IT!! They are too large for even the federal government to control. I am speaking out in hopes that maybe our story will somehow help others, and in hopes that God will indeed use it for good. If I keep it to myself, and dont share what Ive learned, I fear that all of this suffering we have been forced to endured may all be for naught. God Bless you all who have kept us in your prayers, and so sweetly reached out to us!! Your prayers, empathy and kindness is truly what has sustained me!! I truly thank you from the depths of my very SOUL!! ♡♥♡
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 21:24:58 +0000

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