I try not to watch these videos....I try to keep my anger in - TopicsExpress


I try not to watch these videos....I try to keep my anger in check....Danette Chavis Sonia M Parker Reginald Gordon Cephus JohnsonBeechie X KeetonTheresa SmithJimmy Johnson and myself have been screaming about these egregious crimes. We been begging for support...but yall chose to believe mass media and of course the police. Because not all cops are bad. Well of course not! Yet here we stand. And he has not been the first.....ridin home talking to my mom who just wanted me to chill out; to understand this is just the way it is. It will NEVER change....I cant scream at my mother...so I sobbed like a BIG baby. Through tears I was like I can not believe that, I can not accept this condemnation! And despite my mom pointing out this cycle she said its still better than their time....I get it mom, but this is me going through it in my life and I HAVE to believe it will change! And if not, I have to do everything I can to get my babies out! What I see is a man who looks like my uncles and cousins dead on the ground! I see officers trying to get the story right from the scene! He dead, he is not breathing and when asked why no one is performing cpr the response is he still breathing!!!! Just lyin!!! And it took this to wake us up?!? Im furious!!!! A twelve year old boy is dead and the first thing yall say is he shouldnt have been playing with a toy gun. A Walmart customer is dead for walking around the store with an air gun sold in the damn store!!! I cant even fathom whats so merry about this Christmas.....cause folks is mad...cause the Republican Party took the low road and we cant say that out loud cause its politically incorrect?!?....man, miss me with that....and the be polite dont resist chorus...miss me with that....the pull your pants up dress better speak better chorus...miss me with that....the black on black crime chorus...miss me with that...our kids are in schools where teachers are openly showing disgust of them and still we send our babies in their care...you wonder why they angry, dont care and generally saying F what we say?!? Cause we not doing nothin! We making excuses, blaming the victims and excusing ourselves cause it hasnt hit our door steps....look at his eyes...he was dead....one thing my daddy knew about me...when I understand it I own it and I dont quit! That is probably their greatest fear....a child with no fear....cause in America that can get you killed?!?.....thats the history they know....my great grandpa was almost victim to this mess....my granny say white mobs were common. My momma say finding jobs werent easy and one word by a white person could destroy you....but for God we have made progress and but for God my babies will be the epitome of faith and who my God is!!! Without a doubt in my mind! My momma is going to be a witness! Thats what we should be doing for our parents; our legacies....get off your butts and move! Stop looking around waiting on somebody else.......#woooooosah #riptoomany #notonedime #blackmotherrant #backtoyourprogram
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 01:20:29 +0000

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