I try to be lenient and allow people to pay when they get paid the - TopicsExpress


I try to be lenient and allow people to pay when they get paid the following week and they promise they will send to PayPal or money order through mail, but once the contest or pageant closes and they dont win they dont pay :/ How can I fix this? I cant make others wait before its judged, its just not fair :/ If the person who hasnt paid yet wins I will not ship until its paid!! That is why I made the rule no payment no goodies!! IF they pay then they get their stuff. I have not had this problem yet, but was very close before I sent a reminder...lol Sometimes I wonder why I am so nice, but then I think to myself what goes around comes around and I always try to treat people the way I would want to be treated. There are always those few who spoil it for all and they are the ones you would least expect it from :/ I have also allowed people to view judges notes, and ask judges questions so they can try to send in photos they think might be what they are looking for next time, but mostly because there were people who thought it was unfair, rigged...etc. so I said this may fix the problem there and I allowed it.Boy was I wrong!! It is causing more drama than before! MOST everyone is ok, but there are those few again that are the spoil pots and ruin it for all. There will be some major changes coming very soon! No more viewing for not only the reason above but because it also makes some of my judges uncomfortable. They feel, as well as I, that this should be kept private. You dont get this privilege in the live ones so it will be the same with these from now on. There really isnt a ton of drama. We have a lot of fun, but like I said you have those few everywhere who are kill joys...lol
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 15:43:52 +0000

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