I try to tell people that Obama is a communist. The charge is - TopicsExpress


I try to tell people that Obama is a communist. The charge is nothing new. But most Americans refuse to listen. Barack H. Obama is a communist. The leadership of the Democratic Party uses the words Progressive and Socialist. They learned to change the name because Americans will reject the communist label. Friends, our govt is taken over by communism. They have been able to put a President in with a forged birth certificate. A forged selective service card. A social security number 042-68-4425 that was issued from the state of Connecticut, cannot pass E-verify (meaning Obama does not qualify for a job in the USA) and may be stolen from a man named Harrison Bounel. They have also been able to distort the Natural Born Citizen requirement for President. They have put a man in office that has only one citizen parent. His father was a British subject, and what of possible dual citizenship issues? He was possibly adopted and had citizenship in Indonesia. It is not known what passport was used when Obama moved back to Hawaii since he was not on his mother’s passport. What passport was used in 1981 when he traveled to Pakistan, India, and Indonesia during Ramadan? Why was his passport file illegally accessed three times? If it was just curious employees why was the report issued so heavily redacted to make it useless to public scrutiny? It is still not known if Obama was a foreign student or funded by foreign sources. The power brokers in this country have been able to hoodwink an entire nation. They have been able to silence the American media from speaking on this fraudulent imposter in office. Our Congress has been usurped and unable to speak up on this fraud. Apparently even if they did, they do not have enough votes to counter the communist controlled Democratic Party anyway. We had been warned for decades what they wanted. We would not take warning when it mattered most. 20 Reasons Obama is a Socialist https://youtube/watch?v=LimTULVuawk Alan Keyes rightly calls Obama a radical communist https://youtube/watch?v=3DlTgrMCxPg Harry Alford Obama is a communist. https://youtube/watch?v=XWjJYcSSGaU If you are a Socialist thinking the “Golden” fundamental transformation is on its way, this is for you. OBAMAs END GAME REVEALED - COMMUNIST TAKEOVER SOCIALIST MARXIST https://youtube/watch?v=3quYsDByX3g Obamas Coming Communist Coup Détat in 2016 https://youtube/watch?v=A0inyWKjLls See some of the influence of communism in this country. Agenda Grinding America Down (has Spanish subtitles) https://youtube/watch?v=6JGUT62Bhvo They have also been able to push a forged birth certificate right in your face and the nation said OK. https://youtube/watch?v=8muZ1Pe9OAo AMERICA, YOU ARE A SLOW COOKED FROG I try to tell people that Obama is a communist. The charge is nothing new. But most Americans refuse to listen. Barack H. Obama is a communist. The leadership of the Democratic Party uses the words Progressive and Socialist. They learned to change the name because Americans will reject the communist label. Friends, our govt is taken over by communism. They have been able to put a President in with a forged birth certificate. A forged selective service card. A social security number 042-68-4425 that was issued from the state of Connecticut, cannot pass E-verify (meaning Obama does not qualify for a job in the USA) and may be stolen from a man named Harrison Bounel. They have also been able to distort the Natural Born Citizen requirement for President. They have put a man in office that has only one citizen parent. His father was a British subject, and what of possible dual citizenship issues? He was possibly adopted and had citizenship in Indonesia. It is not known what passport was used when Obama moved back to Hawaii since he was not on his mother’s passport. What passport was used in 1981 when he traveled to Pakistan, India, and Indonesia during Ramadan? Why was his passport file illegally accessed three times? If it was just curious employees why was the report issued so heavily redacted to make it useless to public scrutiny? It is still not known if Obama was a foreign student or funded by foreign sources. The power brokers in this country have been able to hoodwink an entire nation. They have been able to silence the American media from speaking on this fraudulent imposter in office. Our Congress has been usurped and unable to speak up on this fraud. Apparently even if they did, they do not have enough votes to counter the communist controlled Democratic Party anyway. We had been warned for decades what they wanted. We would not take warning when it mattered most. 20 Reasons Obama is a Socialist https://youtube/watch?v=LimTULVuawk Alan Keyes rightly calls Obama a radical communist https://youtube/watch?v=3DlTgrMCxPg Harry Alford Obama is a communist. https://youtube/watch?v=XWjJYcSSGaU If you are a Socialist thinking the “Golden” fundamental transformation is on its way, this is for you. OBAMAs END GAME REVEALED - COMMUNIST TAKEOVER SOCIALIST MARXIST https://youtube/watch?v=3quYsDByX3g Obamas Coming Communist Coup Détat in 2016 https://youtube/watch?v=A0inyWKjLls See some of the influence of communism in this country. Agenda Grinding America Down (has Spanish subtitles) https://youtube/watch?v=6JGUT62Bhvo They have also been able to push a forged birth certificate right in your face and the nation said OK. https://youtube/watch?v=8muZ1Pe9OAo 20 Reasons Obama is a Socialist Following is a list of 20 reasons why Obama is a Socialist. This list was compiled by Joseph Farah , founder of WND Reason number 1) Obama is a socialist...
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 21:30:03 +0000

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