I typically refrain from saying anything negative about anyone, - TopicsExpress


I typically refrain from saying anything negative about anyone, but something rubbed me the wrong way today. About a week ago, I was asked to give my thoughts and comments on The One Fund closing. For those you of you who arent familiar with it, it is an organization that many people donated to right after the attack to help the victims of the Marathon. Before replying to an extremely pushy reporter from the Associated Press, I thought carefully about what I was going to say. How in the world can I even begin to explain how thankful I am for something that has literally been our lifeline for almost two years? Now the first question I always get from any media (that I have been avoiding like the plague) is what I think about not being qualified for the amputee payout. Here is what I think: I AM BLESSED. NO ONE had to donate their hard earned money to help people cover medical costs and help rebuild their lives after such a horrific event. But hundreds of thousands all across the nation did just that. And because of that I have been able to have nearly 30 surgeries on my body, not draw disability, and continue to pay ongoing expenses (therapy, medications etc) all while still putting food on the table. Now what hit me so wrong about this article is that my true feelings were not conveyed. While he claims that I am grateful it would still seem to someone reading that I felt entitled to more money, and that I am worried about how I am going to afford my prosthetics, which is entirely not the case. In fact I dont even feel deserving enough of the money I did receive. And how am I going to pay for everything down the road???.... Im going to do what every other American does to provide for their needs. GO TO WORK EVERYDAY!!!!!!! There are so many people that have amputations that are at a far less advantage than I am. I am so fortunate to be able to receive an amazing leg due to the One Fund and every one after that I will pride myself in being able to pay for on my own. And the even bigger kicker..this same reporter has sent multiple emails about me not willing to comment on the upcoming trial. His question I just want to know how you feel. I dont know bud. How would you feel if someone tried to blow you up and youre missing half of your left leg as a result? 😂 Some people need to remember to pick up their hearts, on the way out the door in the morning. Rant over. hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_BOSTON_MARATHON_CHARITY_RIOL-?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:30:31 +0000

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