I understand Hong Kong is a democratic society and I fully support - TopicsExpress


I understand Hong Kong is a democratic society and I fully support their goal towards universal suffrage and democratic rights to free election. But it is still part of China and has been since 1997 and full autonomy cannot be achieved. It is still one country. Hong Kong people need to liaise and negotiate with Beijing instead of blocking the artery of the CBD and causing chaos to the city. At the end of the day, Hong Kong still enjoys privileges like fee media, information and freedom of speech that the mainland does not have. I just don’t understand what’s so bad about China and why people are so anti-communist. It’s not exactly a communist regime of the DPRK. Sure enough, there have been events in the past that we’d rather forget. In the last century, we’ve seen the Stalinist rule of Mao Zedong, the disaster of The Great Leap forward, Cultural Revolution to the Tiananmen Square Massacre and human rights issues. But that’s all in the history books. Every country has its own dark history in the record books from Nazi Germany’s Holocaust, the Japanese aggression in WW2 to the Apartheid of South Africa. But since Deng Xiaoping announced the China’s economic reform in 1978, it opened China’s doors to foreign investment and free enterprise. People were allowed to establish their own business and create private ownership. As a result, China flourished. Millions of people were raised from poverty and the economy boomed to an unprecedented scale. They hosted the Olympics in 2008 and are the 2nd country with the most self made Billionaires just behind the United States. They’ve come a long way in just a few decades. God forbid, if Hong Kong suffers from a financial & economic meltdown, guess which country’s gonna bail you out? China’s hardly resembles to anything that’s communism today. The only thing communist about China is their government policy of 1 party rule. It’s not hard to be Chinese. You’re free to do just about anything. Just don’t be an activist, anti-government and an opposition to state affairs… Is it really that hard? Oh well, that’s just my opinion.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 03:10:49 +0000

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