I understand that some of my Facebook friends like to engage in - TopicsExpress


I understand that some of my Facebook friends like to engage in pointless arguments, deflect, waste time, talk in circles, and create convolution like Gared Williams and Brooke Heads, but Im not into censoring, so I will generally allow them to ramble on via my Facebook wall. I also have friends like Pat Lang, Carlos Teasdale, Mike Samuels, Charles Evitch, Andrew Ferrera,Paul McGee, Bianca Vivalasvegas RodriguezMonique Turner and Torre Lawson who may or may not agree with me, but at least know how to COMPREHEND my posts, and therefore are able to add their perspectives in a logical way. Often times we do disagree, but we respect each others position(s) and consistently emerge at a higher place than we started, INSTEAD of going back and forth like Gared and Brooke do. If one takes the time to READ what I stated about Chris Paul, Blake Griffin, DeAndre Jordan and the Los Angeles Clipper employees, I made it CLEAR that they should SPEAK UP. I never said they should PROTEST, BOYCOTT, nor even REFUSE to play for Donald Sterling. In fact, if it were ME in their situation(s), I would have gone to the source IMMEDIATELY, meaning the owner and addressed him directly. But thats how I handle things and I know that the vast majority of the public doesnt engage in DIRECT communication the way I do, due to their fears of unknown consequences. I ALSO would have been HONEST to the media about whether Donald Sterling had ever been racist towards me. OBVIOUSLY, since the CURRENT players, coaches, and staff had NEVER ONCE complained about Sterling, they DID NOT have a problem with him. So I would have set the record straight about the difference between what my owner said in a private conversation with his girlfriend and how he has treated ME. My friend Paul McGee insinuated that I slandered the players. The fact is, that I didnt. And furthermore, Brooke and Gared slandered ME in the very same thread. I wont delete their posts, because I DO have a backbone and can deal with being challenged. But the promotion of ignorance and spamming of MY wall needs to stop, because at the end of the day it allows the dysfunctional behavior of people like Gared and Brooke to be the focal point, instead of a sidebar. Within 24 hours of my post, Chris Paul FINALLY re-emerged from the shadows and NOT coincidentally said that Doc Rivers, Blake Griffin, and DeAndre Jordan . . . the EXACT PLAYERS THAT I MENTIONED . . . need to talk about this very serious issue. Sure it would have been more effective and pragmatic if they did this over two months ago, but they are doing it now, which at least shows they are willing to take a stand, behave maturely, and assume responsibility for being more than just basketball players. Actions speak louder than words, but when words inspire change (when its for the better), Im always thrilled. Have a good day.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 16:01:49 +0000

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