I understand that this might start a debate and I guess I am no - TopicsExpress


I understand that this might start a debate and I guess I am no stranger to that on here but I have to give my two cents on this stuff going on in Ferguson. I have been watching coverage of it and listening to commentary, but I certainly don’t claim to know everything. What I have pieced together… The police officer asked Michael Brown and his friend to walk on the sidewalk instead of the street… Michael Brown then approached the car and punched him, and tried to take his weapon. In the struggle Brown was shot and then started to run away… as Officer Wilson exited his vehicle, Brown then turned and charged towards him, running over 20 feet in his direction. (That was all confirmed by eye witness accounts, and blood splatter evidence). According to his testimony, eye witness accounts, and physical evidence at the scene… Wilson ordered Brown to stop and when he got 8-9 feet away, he shot and killed him. Brown was 6-6 and almost 300 pounds…. Had already attacked him, tried to take his weapon and punched him repeatedly and was coming back to do more. Is it sad that his life had to end… absolutely… but now that evidence has come to light… I think Wilson was justified in his actions. Now people that were intent on causing chaos regardless, are using this event to destroy a city. I cannot even begin to comprehend the grief and sadness that Brown’s family must be feeling because the loss of their son, but last night when the verdict was announced and they stand in front of angry mobs and Brown’s step father screams stuff about burning the place to the ground…. Why? Not to be disrespectful, but because your step son was stupid? Whether you like police officers or not, whatever your opinions are about them… the fact that he was running at a man holding a gun telling him to stop or he would shoot him… when he didn’t stop… He was SHOT… so now that same angry mob destroys a city… and shockingly enough… over a DOZEN small businesses were BURNT DOWN. A dozen or more small business owners have to start from scratch because of this man inciting a riot. I know it would be insult to injury so to speak but I hope that man is arrested. There is a huge difference between protesting and what they did there… Rioting and looting and setting your neighborhood on fire is not how you handle things in civilized culture. Race aside… because honestly that is how it should be… you should be able to read the above statements and the thought “but he is black” shouldnt ever come into your mind, regardless of what Al Sharpton has to say about it…. People get killed all the time, by police, or random citizens…. Think of what America would be like if people rioted and set business’ on fire every time it happened? Be mad about it if that is your prerogative… but take out your frustrations on the appropriate person… not just use whatever “cause” you think can come across to be a hoodlum and set stuff on fire and impact innocent small business owners when they have NOTHING to do with what you are “fighting against”.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:21:40 +0000

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