I urge everyone to make sure they dont carry dead weight, dead - TopicsExpress


I urge everyone to make sure they dont carry dead weight, dead issues, foolishness, drama, and dead friendships/connections into 2015. The number 15 represents rest & peace which comes after the number 14 (meaning deliverance). When youre delivered from something it cant co-exist nor have cohabitation with peace. Your righteous mind nor your spirit in Christ will allow you to be at total rest with something youre struggling with. Where am I going with this? I just found out someone who USED to be in my camp has spread my name to people out of town, causing them to question who I am. (yall know i always find the culprit) People meet people on my watch and become a cancer to the overall connection. Havent given anyone a reason to doubt my loyalty, my intentions, nor my mantle....but the spirit of confusion and the spirit of wickness is so prevalent in todays world that your good can be evil spoken of without proof or probable cause. Snakes lie very low to the ground, often unhidden. So I challenge everyone to ask for peace in 2015. Your peace of mind and peace of heart. But before doing that take hold to deliverance from PEOPLE and things that can be cancerous or of a dark cloud to your destiny. Even Satan was one of Gods best at one time. Sometimes we go after the cohorts and demonic puppeteers when they are only the pawns of the matter. Find the culprit, the Beelzebub..... forgive the Beelzebub and ask God to deliver you from the people, places, and things that render you in a state of mind unpleasing to God. NOW that I know the whos who and the hows I know how to handle the people and current situation.....and I can do it in peace and with love in my heart. So people of God, check your circle, your surroundings, and those who support with an agenda. Anyone who gets advice from me know I follow one principle that never fails: GO WITH YOUR GUT! It wont lie to ya. Be blessed people.....2015....the year of peace & rest. You have 9 days to calculate what not to take into your future and your destiny. If it, he, she, them, or that dont bring you PEACE......be delivered from it. Have a blessed one. #iseeyoudevil #andyoustink #iwontretaliate #GodwillwhenIaskHimtoforgiveyou
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:23:44 +0000

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