I used the world pay zinc machine last week,at Handmade in - TopicsExpress


I used the world pay zinc machine last week,at Handmade in Britain, Chelsea Town Hall. It is designed for small businesses, and said I would post some feedback. Also posting on DesignGap group. The set up/application was fairly easy, and the helpline very good. You have to wait a few days for the merchant number. When you have that, and follow the instructions properly you can pair it with your phone using Bluetooth and you only have to do this once. On the stand it was pretty good to use, but like all these devices gives you some anxious moments. The 3G connection at Chelsea Town Hall isnt brilliant but it worked every time. The actual process is quite straightforward, much more than the 123/Streamline terminals. The swipe bit works really well, and people can sign on the iphone using their fingers. It didnt work once due to a womans card being very old and practically destroyed. Sometimes it took a bit to connect, but not too long. Once it wouldnt let me sign into the app on my phone, so I just turned it off then on again. When the transaction has gone through and it is approved you get some alternative options for giving a receipt. I got some receipt books made, as I didnt want to fumble around on my phone typing in peoples email addresses. This also gave me an option if people didnt want to give an email address, some were happy to give addresses. I wanted to take contact details in case it didnt work, and it being the reserved south, and especially Chelsea, I was even more cautious. Obviously if it had been the north you would get their life history as well as their email address (Im allowed to say that as I am from Bury!). People didnt mind at all and I did stress they wouldnt get emails from me. One thing to bear in mind is that cards are approved at different speeds. I took a payment for a scarf on the preview night, which appeared to be approved but didnt come through on the payment history, all the others appeared immediately, so I thought I had given away a scarf. It actually appeared the next afternoon, 18 hours later. If you decide to get one, when using it, just do it slowly at first, and make sure that each transaction is approved before you give away the goods, but I think most people would do that anyway. I think I would recommend it on balance, I had no bad reactions from people, which I had thought I would as it looks so small compared to usual terminals. Most people were very interested and thought I was very cutting edge technology wise. Obviously they got that wrong. Good Luck, Helen
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 20:27:58 +0000

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