I used to be a big fan of IHOP (International House of Prayer) and - TopicsExpress


I used to be a big fan of IHOP (International House of Prayer) and Im pretty sure I would still be able to pull some good nuggets out of Mike Bickles teachings if I went looking today. One of my favorite books EVER was one he wrote called,After Gods Own Heart. We went to a few of the IHOP conferences after being introduced to the ministry by one of my wifes relatives. I can still remember listening to the first message I ever heard by Mike, where he talks about Mary of Bethany and her alabaster box. God had primed my heart to hear and learn more about the Bridal Paradigm about a year previous to the hearing of that first message in one of the most intense, life changing dream encounters Ive ever had with God. I will include the link to my recollection of that dream at the end of this post, but first I feel led to share why I no longer endorse or agree with the ministry of IHOP. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, just a brief overview that I hope some will find helpful. 1) When I try to join in on the 24/7 intercessory prayer/worship room, I almost immediately feel a deep sadness and sorrow welling up in my spirit. Looking around the team of worshipers, I see exhaustion, boredom, dullness, struggle, defeat, starvation, sickness, lack, etc., etc., There is the occasional bright spot of light in the room, a voice sounding stronger for a moment, a face that briefly shakes off the spiritual lethargy induced by hours upon hours and days upon days of needless repetitive moaning and chanting -- but those are no great victories! Shouldnt worship of our Conquering King be PRIMARILY joyful and victorious? 2) Not one single person involved with IHOP whom I have ever met (Ive known quite a few) is consistently experiencing the victory of the Cross over sin and darkness in their life. EVERY single one is locked in a long, agonizing and sweaty battle with what they think is their own flesh. 3) There is a stinking air of arrogance, superiority, and religious pride that swirls around the life of EVERY single IHOP person Ive ever met, a stink made even more disgusting and ridiculous by the fact that they are so adamant about still possessing a sinful nature which they believe they must fight against night and day. This list could go on a lot longer but Im stopping now, and I want to be very clear when I say that I am NOT attacking the people of IHOP or condemning the whole crowd. There are MANY young truth seekers there who simply do not know any better - who have sacrificed so much just to be in a place where theyve been led to believe they will encounter God, get closer to Him, and have more of Him. God answers the cry of the hungry heart and there are some there who are getting what their heart wants. For some, it may be a helpful stepping stone, much as pre-school can be helpful for the child who is about to enter Kindergarten. The revelation of the Bridegroom Kings heart for His Bride is one that will change the life of anybody who loves God. But there is more. It was when I was able to couple the Bridal Paradigm with the revelation of the finished work of the Cross that I was finally able to enjoy perfect freedom from sins dominion within my own personal life. Fasting for days and praying for hours everyday had nothing to do with it. Simply seeing His heart and seeing what He had done on my behalf was not enough in and of itself, either. I had to humble myself by agreeing with Him. I had to abandon almost everything I had ever been taught by man about who God is, who I am in Him, and what He has done for us through Christ. His grace is more than enough to help us graduate to the First Grade. Join me. Were learning about how to shape the Universe, the Teacher is wonderful, and the snacks are amazing. Grace to you, ~RCT
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 16:02:44 +0000

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