I used to be a good church going individual associated with a very - TopicsExpress


I used to be a good church going individual associated with a very large Christian religion even to the point of becoming a Pastor and a Bishop. As a child I attended church every Sunday and did everything the leaders of my church told me was necessary to go to heaven. While studying I came across something that changed my entire life. I discovered that almost every organized religion there were records predating Christianity, some by as many as 3000 years and they all had the same story. Mithra was a Persian god who was worshiped from about 2000BC up until the time that Christ was supposed to have lived. A few details about Mithra: • Mithra was born to a virgin of a god father. • He was born on December 25th in a stable. • His birth was witnessed by shepherds and gifting carrying magi. • He performed many miracles during his ministry such as healing the sick, casting out devils, and raising people from the dead. • Mithra was the god of Darius, conqueror of Babylon and the Jews while in captivity called Mithra Messiah or Cristos. • Mithra came to die and atone for the sins of man. • He celebrated a last supper with his 12 disciples. • He died and ascended to heaven on March 21st to rejoin his father, the first day of Spring, which was a Sunday. • Mithras followers believed Mithra would return to pass judgment on man and was known as the Judger of Souls. • Mithra will send the faithful to HEAVEN. • On judgment day there will be a final conflict between Good and Evil - The forces of Evil will be destroyed and the saved will live in paradise forever -. • Mithra is part of a Holy Trinity the - (Father, Son, And Holy Spirit) -, that took human form. • Mithra is depicted as having a halo, (a circular band of light around his head). • Mithra followers drink wine and eat bread, which represent his blood and flesh. • Mithra followers are baptized. • Mithra followers use Saturday and Sunday, the two days of the week to rest and celebrate. Those were to many similarities to be mere coincidence. Taking into consideration that Mithra was the most popular deity of that the time when Christianity came into existence and the fact that Mithraism competed against Christianity up until about 325 AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and made it the State religion. It is interesting to note that Constantine was also a follower of Mithra until his supposed conversion to Christianity. The followers of Mithra even ate discs of bread marked with a cross hundreds of years before Christianity adopted this practice. The truth is, Christianity is an exact duplicate of Mithraism in all of its beliefs and practices. But, Mithra was worshiped and followed for almost 2000 years before Christianity ever came into existence. In addition to Mithra there was Osiris, Krishna, Adonis, and even Buddha has a similar stories. And to add insult to injury the little known fact that none of the Gospels of the New Testament were written by anyone who actually KNEW Christ or even lived at the same time as Christ. They were written by unknown men AFTER Christs supposed death and the authors are completely unknown. The New Testament, is only a record of the person who supposedly lived named Jesus Christ, it was written many years after Jesus Christ supposedly died, and written entirely by people who not only did not know Christ, but who were not even born when Christ supposedly lived and therefore could not have witnessed any of the things attributed to Christ. Taking all of this into consideration thus far and noticing that there is not one (NOT ONE) mention of any person called Jesus Christ, nor any of the supposed miracles or gathering nor anything about his life written by the contemporary historians of the time(Josephus does write little about it), one would have an empty claim by Christians. A final point. We know that Christ was supposedly put on trial and Pontius Pilate condemned him to death, We also know that the Romans kept very detailed records with historical data kept in place, and they recorded everything that happened on a daily basis recording everything that transpired with the Jews and in their own Roman courts. Yet...there is no mention of Jesus Christ in any of the Roman records of this time, not to mention the name Jesus Christ or Yeshua (note the letter J had not yet existed), There is also no mention of a trial or crucifixion of anyone named Jesus Christ or Yeshua. So we have only the New Testament, that talks of this person Jesus Christ. We have numerous other histories from the same period from well documented historians of the time telling of events that took place during the same time that Christ was supposed to have lived, but NOT ONE HISTORIAN mentioned one thing about this person. Note: even the writings of Josephus is thought to be a forgery, he writes if true, Now, there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works,--a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day. The vast majority of scholars since the early 1800s have said that this quotation is not by Josephus, but rather is a later Christian insertion in his works. In other words, it is a forgery, rejected by scholars. Not even his supposed trial and crucifixion which one would think would merit at least a small entry in one of the many histories that were kept at that time, or a large gathering of Jews to watch Pontius Pilate sit in judgment of a man who had been performing miracles and teaching huge multitudes of people and generally creating a nuisance for the Jewish and Roman leaders and yet there is no mention of this gathering or condemnation of this person in any history of that time? Well, you decide for yourself !!!!! Dr.Michael J Thomas Phd
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 14:59:28 +0000

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