I used to be kind of like a kid, where I wanted the newest and - TopicsExpress


I used to be kind of like a kid, where I wanted the newest and best. Family wise, I have that, and I couldnt ask for more. Every so often a new game system comes along, and thats always been my thing, but lately I find that I have the most fun when I can spend time with my family so long as the kids arent fighting. Sure, it would be neat if I had a PS4, yet a few years ago, I just got this PS3. My gaming friends have all moved on to PS4, and I havent gotten a hello from people I used to game with on a nightly basis. My brothers online say hi when they can. I feel a few may think I dont want to talk to them on voice but that is not the case at all. Truth is, living in different time zonex makes it difficult to connect, and I hope you all get that. I think I was too complaicent by being distracted from my faith, yet then I smell another fitnah coming from a mile away. There are decisions in my life that I am too scared to make alone. Jenna Kinsey is put in a position to make most of the family decisions because of my inability to travel, and for that, I feel bad. It cant be helped, but it does not mean that I should be less empathetic. For the past decade or so, Ive done most of the labor while Jenna would take care of the house. I find it so much harder to attempt to be a home maker than to provide. I always respected my wife in her role, but now have a deeper respect after a few days. It also comes with a certain sadness of missing your love when they are at work. Youre left alone to think, and when I do, I think that I am so lucky. Honor comes to mind. I dont say with chauvanistic possessiveness that shes my wife... because she chose ME. Its like with Khadijah (ra) and how so many men tried to marry her, yet Muhammad (saw) who was not yet even a prophet... simply an honest tradesman who ran caravans.. she chose him. Even after recieving revelation, he was so scared, confused,.. he ran to her.. through his toughest times, she never bailed. Jenna, thank you for believing in me all these years. I love you deeply, and am every bit as amazed by you as I have ever been. May Allah reward you for everything you have ever given me.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 07:46:41 +0000

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