I used to hear Christians talk about being free from religious - TopicsExpress


I used to hear Christians talk about being free from religious bondage and walking in spiritual liberty and I would automatically assume it was some type of lame excuse for dropping their standards and living a lazy, self absorbed life. My critical spirit should have been the action that raised the red flags, though. Religious bondage is real and someone walking free of it is more complicated than what you think you see on the surface. Its the fruit of a person taking off their religious costume of self righteousness. It is the results of a person ceasing to worship man made, political, religious hierarchy. It happens when exhaustion from dead works meets the rest and peace of truly knowing who you are in Christ. Its what happens when you get comfortable with honesty and realize you really arent as spiritual as you like to think. The envy deep inside my chained heart used to drive me to anger when a man would talk the way I am talking here but as my devotion to Christ alone merged with an open heart to the word of God change was inevitable. Are you tired of trying to be good enough? Tired of fighting to earn favor with God? Tired of excusing the discrepancies and inconsistencies of men inside your political form while judging and condemning those on the outside? Tired of feeling bound and gagged by all the facades in your life that you have to maintain in order to keep your friends? You can meet God with His word tonight and learn of Him! You can get honest with Him and let Him search those dark corners of your heart that you pretend arent there! You can trust Him with your heart! Its going to mean change for you, friend. Its going to mean a lot of repentance from what He shows you about yourself. Growth comes with pain but you wont regret a minute of it!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 03:17:10 +0000

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