I used to respect our police force. I considered them impartial - TopicsExpress


I used to respect our police force. I considered them impartial and independant how wrong can you be. Not only are they not impartial they are prepared to join in and assist in the crimes. They protect the guilty and break the law when it suits them. Here are some extracts of letters:- Mr J Saunders Sixteen Fieldfare Green Luton, LU4 0YB Bedfordshire Police 18th July 2011 Official Compliant concerning various crimes Dear Sirs, Attached is conclusive evidence of HMCS committing various crimes? The main one being perverting the cause of justice. Unfortunately this also concerns the Bedfordshire police, one of the court cases concerned is against the police for wrongful arrest. As a citizen in this country who always respected the tradition of the police force as being fair and impartial it is a sad state of affairs what is being revealed on a daily basis. News Corp. not only had several senior officers of the Met in their pay but they have been able to have an influence on our Parliament. You are fast becoming the laughing stock of the world, from which you will never recover. The purpose of this letter is to give you one last chance to redeem your reputation before it is destroyed forever. Yours Sincerely Jack Saunders Mr J Saunders Sixteen Fieldfare Green Luton Beds, LU4 0YB Chief Superintendent Colbourne Luton Police Station Buxton Road Luton, LU1 1SD 04/05/12 Dear Sir, I would refer you to my letter dated the 25/04/12 delivered by hand to Buxton Road for Sergeant Baxter (592), which has not been acknowledged. With this letter I delivered clear evidence of corruption with Luton County Court, Luton Council and Luton Police. This is only a fraction of the evidence I hold and yet the police do nothing. Now the letter also contained a threat something I was arrested for doing on the 20th! An honest police force with nothing to hide would not hesitate in arresting me and hauling me before the courts a remark, which also applies to Luton Court and the council. For the record I include two letters one from Mr Harris on your behalf and the other from Peter Windridge of Northants police. Now I can prove he is a liar, he is trying to protect the scum called Adrian Lee the Chief Constable. I can also prove the Luton police are a bunch of liars. I have after all four signed police statements. Mr Harris is also a liar as his later letters prove. I have been subject to all sorts of underhand tricks over the years persecuted by the DWP, the council and the police. My phone has been monitored; my feeble attempts on the Internet blocked and encountered numerous corrupt judges. Now it is one thing to encounter the biggest legal conspiracy, in history, to pervert the cause of justice, but it is much more sinister than that. I can also prove that someone has been interfering with my medical records thus preventing from receiving correct medical treatment. I think conspiracy to murder would not be too difficult to prove. All this for what to protect corrupt politicians who in turn are protecting corrupt bankers namely HSBC bank. You may think it is all right to bend the law, use a police force to intimidate a member of the public well you have picked on the wrong person I am not impressed or frightened. I am also not prepared to let you destroy my country and be assured I will if necessary take the law in my own hands in order to achieve justice. Now you and everyone else involved should be ashamed but you are under the misguided impression you are protecting the country. Law and order must prevail if society is to flourish; already by your stupidity there has been one banking crisis another is looming which will be more devastating than before. The morons in charge of the country must be stopped before it is to late. You know where I live one or another this stupidity has to stop. I suggest you report back to your political masters. Yours Sincerely Jack Saunders Mr J Saunders Sixteen Fieldfare Green Luton Beds, LU4 0YB Chief Superintendent Colbourne Luton Police Station Buxton Road Luton, LU1 1SD 15/02/13 Dear Sir, I know you are concerned about my letters to the DWP, so I enclose a copy of my latest letter. I have not bothered with the inserts, as you have no intention of enforcing the law. My instincts tell me that my corrupt landlord is up to no good in the equally corrupt County court. If he is successful or the DWP do not respond in the correct manner then this will force the issue. Make no mistake I am prepared to enforce the law even if this means taking matters into my own hands. Now an honest policeman would have had me arrested long ago and hauled before the courts, especially as you have the magistrates in your pocket. What’s up, have you no stomach for treachery. Luton will go down in history as having a corrupt MP Kelvin Hopkins, corrupt courts, corrupt council and not least a corrupt police force. What disappoints me most is that none of you have any shame or dignity; you all deserve what is coming to you. The problem is you are prepared to wreck the country in order to pervert the cause of justice. You know where I live if you wish to take issue with anything I have said, have you got the balls to confront me? Yours Sincerely Jack Saunders Mr J Saunders Sixteen Fieldfare Green Luton Beds, LU4 0YB The Duty Inspector Luton Police Station Buxton Road Luton, LU1 1SD 01/04/13 Dear Sir, Conspiracy to Murder Firstly thing this is no April fool. Several of your officers including Chief Superintendent Colbourne are guilty of attempted murder. I attach copies of letters sent to my surgery, which have never been acknowledged by either them or the police. I also attach copy letters sent to BMA and Luton Borough Council. Firstly without doubt there is a conspiracy to pervert the cause of justice involving dozens of individuals. In addition to this several of your officers in order to protect their arse are engaged in a conspiracy to murder. Now your phone is going to be ringing with all sorts disclaiming the latter charge. In view of the circumstances unless I hear on the news that several arrests have been made it is no good sending anyone to either arrest/interview me. Dr Shah and his nurse should be able to assist you. They hold the results from the blood tests; and he will also have to explain why he prescribed Statins. Luton & Dunstable should also have results of blood test. It is very easy to prove. Yours Sincerely Jack Saunders .
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 15:45:21 +0000

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