I used to turn to Fox News to find solace and comfort in the fact - TopicsExpress


I used to turn to Fox News to find solace and comfort in the fact that some things I think about some subjects are justifiable. Since 9/11, which coincided with the start of my political science education in DC, Fox News has gone from being a freedom fighting group of flag waving patriots to a disgusting bunch of blowhards who cannot be trusted or taken seriously and must be held accountable for feeding such a biased perspective to such a large audience. They choose to focus on negativity and division,, particularly when facing delicate social issues. CNN and Fox News are mostly covering the same facts about Ferguson and this GJ proceeding, but CNN gives you hope where Fox makes you shake your head. CNN covers the looting and property damage, but also shows the protesters forming a human shield to protect a business from looters. Fox only covered the looters, not the protesting patriots, and failed to explain the protesters position at all. Fox also spent its time criticizing the Governor, a Democrat, for not bringing in the national guard in advance of the GJ announcement and explaining why this case has nothing to do with race while failing to explore the obvious link between race, police power, and public outrage at a suspiciously open and fair GJ hearing. They have politicized a Democrats effort to avoid escalating tension and minimized or dismissed the feelings of every person who feels differently than them. Fox News, especially Bill OReilly, lack journalistic integrity..no, all integrity, and are behaving in a socially irresponsible manner for being so childish.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 10:08:05 +0000

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