I used to wonder why some Palestinian people would engage in - TopicsExpress


I used to wonder why some Palestinian people would engage in actions that could only provoke the aggressor further. Then I realized that to ask a people to live quietly, while they have no justice and no freedom, is to ask them to live peacefully as slaves. Peace without justice or freedom is slavery. Its like asking a battered woman to live peacefully with her abuse. We all want the bloodshed to stop. But what about the daily humiliation and institutionalized oppression? I was reminded of a part in The Hunger Games when Katniss considers abandoning the resistance against the oppressor, in exchange for safety. Gales response was telling. He said: Safe to do what? Starve? Work like slaves? Send their kids to the reaping? Consider this: If a woman is being raped, things would be a lot more peaceful if she didnt resist. But, asking her not to resist--just because her attacker is physically stronger--is asking her to accept her own abuse and oppression for the sake of peace. This is what the world is asking Palestinians to do. And sometimes what seems to the world as just ineffective tactics, like throwing a rock at a tank, is in fact an act of resistance. It is a powerful statement to the oppressor--and the world--that they refuse to be enslaved. That dignity and self-respect are even more beloved to them than their own lives. It is a statement that you can take their lives. But not their freedom. #Freepalestine
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 17:08:59 +0000

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