I usually barf when I read how to be happy platitudes. But this - TopicsExpress


I usually barf when I read how to be happy platitudes. But this selection from entitled, How to do less is actually quite sound; even though some suggestions, such as accept who you are can take a lifetime....😃 1) Rediscover who you are. Ask yourself who you really are and what really matters to you. Resolve to be comfortable with this and live in a way that is true to yourself - not how you think others want you to live. 2 Accept who you are. If you want to change certain things about yourself, then do. But don’t set this as an obsessive goal for your life or see yourself in a negative light until you reach it (if you do) - accept who you are at this moment and be happy with it. 3 Don’t strive for happiness. The ideal of perfect happiness is an illusion that the self-help industry has become rich on. We all have difficulties in our lives and need resilience to deal with them. Don’t base your current happiness on achieving the goal of perfect happiness in the future - enjoy what you have now, and you will be happier. 4 Life is not a list. In the modern world, many people seem to evaluate the value of their (and other people’s) lives by lists of things they have to maximise - the gadgets they own, books they’ve read, places they’ve been, experiences they’ve had. Don’t be one of these people - these lives are generally shallow and unfulfilled. Do the things you want to do and enjoy them for their own sake. Don’t let your life become a list-ticking exercise. 5 As much as possible, think for yourself. Resolve to not be influenced by external messages into unnecessary yearning or striving – whether it is someone’s opinion, a newspaper report or an advertisement. If you feel a sense of yearning after receiving an external message, recognise it, recognise your reaction to it and check yourself. 6 Understand other lives. Try to see the reality of the lives of people that you might envy or wish to strive for. Recognise the sacrifices and disadvantages of these lives - as there will be many. Your life and choices will seem much better after doing this! 7 Realise nobody’s perfect. Recognise the reality of what goes on in other people’s heads - especially people you admire and might strive to be like. Although their issues may be different, realise they have as many insecurities, issues and fears as you - possibly more. Perfect people and perfect happiness are illusions. 8 Live your life and not someone else’s. Overall, accept the cards you’ve been dealt in life, and realise that other people aren’t holding all the best cards - despite what adverts, other people and other external messages would have you believe. Take responsibility for enjoying and getting best use of the cards you have.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 15:25:57 +0000

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