I usually dont do this... but I have been thinking about this for - TopicsExpress


I usually dont do this... but I have been thinking about this for awhile. Sorry guys... After serving at Max and Ermas for about a year now, I increasingly notice children of all ages sitting at their table with their parents, grandparents, or whatever, with their eyes and hands glued to an iPad (or anything of the sort). When their parents try to talk to them or ask what they want, it takes several tries to get the kids attention. Ive always had an issue with how much technology is taking over our lives, but seriously... what are we doing? My parents to this day do not even let me answer text messages at the dinner table, let alone be on a device for the entirety of the meal or outing. Are these kids going to know how to have a conversation with people, and look another person in the eye to listen and hear what they have to say? Isnt eating a meal with somebody a time when you connect and communicate? I just feel like so much life is being taken away by technology. It makes me sad that my children will probably never have to make fun themselves by playing outside and scraping up their knees; instead, there will be too much to do on their pieces of technology. It is all affecting us in different ways. How many times do you sit with a friend, trying to communicate with them, yet their eyes are glued to their phones? They may look up every once in awhile and say, go on, Im listening, yet you know their full attention is not on you, but on a person who is not even in the same room (the person they are texting). Many times at our house here in BG we will have people over, or have a bonfire, and I notice that everyone sits there on their phones in silence sometimes. If we didnt have these devices with us, we would all be interacting and having a good time. Not saying I am not guilty, but its just something Ive noticed. On another note, and Im sure many people my age can relate, it can be hard to have all of this access to other people and keep a healthy romantic relationship with another person. When you are not around, they have access to anyone they want, whether it be through Facebook, texting, or whatever. I know many of us ask ourselves, Why is this person or that person in my boyfriend/girlfriends Snapchat best friends? And then we obsess, or think about any possible wrong thing our partner could be doing-- we are creating problems that dont exist, and it affects the relationship as a whole. Your boyfriend or girlfriend may not be doing anything wrong. Yet this technology is making you stressed! None of this would have existed if it werent for the use of smart phones. We do not trust each other in this technological age. Why isnt he/she texting me? Why are they taking forever to message me back? Why do they act differently in person? Are they taking so long to text back because they are also texting someone else?! They arent answering me but they just tweeted! So much over-analyzation, tension, and pressure. We are consumed. Literally. Think. Of. All. The. Problems. That. Would. Not. Exist. if we didnt have so much access to random people who exist outside of our IMPORTANT relationships? This is all not natural... I wanna throw my iPhone at a wall
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 21:47:31 +0000

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