I usually have something silly to say but I must say.. Im not as - TopicsExpress


I usually have something silly to say but I must say.. Im not as shocked as most at the outcome from the Zimmerman trial.. I feel there probably wasnt a juror that felt Zimmerman was innocent however the law was to convict him if found guilty beyond reasonable doubt and since the defence was able to create the doubt with this approach of self defense we now have a not guilty verdict. Now the upsetting thing for me is to see the ignorance being surfaced as were still left with a young man who was murdered and seeing so many people attempting to justify this enjustice with comments as how Trevon shlould have run and or called the cops (when he was simply walking home which is within his rights and approached/followed by a man baring arms even "after the police asked him not to do so") blows my mind. If your not from a urban area/comunity you probably cldnt relate to how the system that was created to "protect and serve" has NEVER protected/helped most situations, it usually never been dependable and often more corrupt than city drug dealers and gangs (which in my opinion for some exlains the culture of 911 not being a legitimate option/reliable source in many cases for african americans if i may say without trying to tiptoe around such a serious issue that has been exsiting (waaay bofore me) since the times of fighting for equal rights and before). Honestly, ive been profiled even right here in sioux falls and eventhough racism still exists all over the world its dealt with rather well here (ive seen more mixed babies here than anywhere lol) but I will say this is one of the most "prejudice cities ive ever experienced in my life (and ive almost traveled the entire US). Not using this case as a platform or opportunity to vent or make this about me but to address what i see a BIG problem cant cant be ignored. Prejudice : An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examinatin of the facts... I provided the definition of the word for those to see this has nothing to do with race nor should the Zimmerman case be turned into an ignorant race debate of Black vs White because the fact is "Zimmerman isnt white" but definately showed racial predujustice by profiling Trevon... lets not disregard the statement he made when talking to the cops that "they always get away with that"... If he was profiling ask who is "they"? Look all im saying is this is not a time to turn a deaf ear to a problem that exsists in todays society or to ignore it bcz the problem isnt in your backyard or settling with being emotional about the outcome of this case. We have to do something...beyond race and color...Its time to move from "rage to responsibility".... From "anger to action" We as american citizens have a role to play because we can make the difference.. In 1955 Rosa Parks was one woman who refused to give up her seat who had enough of an empact to start a movement that would change the nation and make some of the rights available I have as a man today. We have to vote and get registered....if not we will not have a voice with these crazy laws, legal technicalities and the people enforcing them... will never be called for jury duty in times such as this when your presence could make the difference. My prayers go out to those who had to deal with similar situation and your cases were not televised, seen or heard... and especially to the Martin family in this time I cant fathom what they are going through right now but God is able. We as people (American who make up this country) "will not forget Treyvon Martin"
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 19:21:19 +0000

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