I usually try not to put political opinions on here, even though I - TopicsExpress


I usually try not to put political opinions on here, even though I am really passionate about them. But, I am so frustrated with our "government" that I just have to say something. First, I am aggravated with all the folks in Washington who are in power and acting like children. Second, and most of all, I am ashamed of the bureaucrats in our government, particularly those in the administration for the decisions they have made during this shutdown. Our government has been shutdown 17 times before due to Congress refusing to fund things, but NEVER BEFORE has an administration directed National Cemeteries to be closed; NEVER BEFORE have elderly people who own their own homes been evicted from their homes because they sit on U.S. parkland; NEVER BEFORE have we refused to pay funeral expenses for our fallen servicemen (even though Congress specifically acted to provide such funds); NEVER BEFORE has Mount Vernon been shut down, even though it is privately owned, just because they lease part of one of their parking lots from the Federal Government who provides no personnel to work there. Now, to top it all off, there are still barricades at the World War II memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, cemeteries, etc. to keep citizens out, but the President ordered the barricades removed from the National Mall so thousands of illegals could rally for immigration reform. UNBELIEVABLE!!! I am actually in favor of immigration reform, but I am sorry - if citizens have been banned from the Mall on other days, it should not be open for a rally while other memorials are closed. All of the money that has been spent closing public places where little or no staff is usually on hand is ridiculous. I am sure this is not what the founding fathers intended when they set up our government - this is just the sort of autocratic "my way or the highway" that we rebelled against in the first place. Where is Benjamin Franklin when you need him to step in and help shape a compromise? Oh, for the days of Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan, who all knew how to negotiate, and who put America first over some political agenda. Both sides are to blame in the current mess, but the administration bears the responsibility for these ridiculous decisions to close open air places that have NEVER been closed before by previous administrations. Not to mention the worst decision of all, to deny death benefits to those soldiers who are dying for this country. All of these actions must be designed to make the other side look bad, because we as a country do not dig deep enough any more to get the full story. I guess this is what happens when more people know what happens on reality tv shows than know who Joe Biden or Chuck Hagel are. I am beyond frustrated and ashamed of my government.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 01:47:56 +0000

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