I very much enjoyed using the alchemical tarot renewed for this - TopicsExpress


I very much enjoyed using the alchemical tarot renewed for this particular reading, designed by Robert Place. A very enlightening spread. It is true both for our times in general and for your life right now, situated as it is within a specific causal frame. 1. The World 2. Three of Vessels 3. Six of Vessels 4. Sowelu 5. Inguz 6. Gebo The sense flows with ease from left to right as a progression. It is a progression from archetype to particular manifestation. And yet we see that the central card pairing is crux. Interestingly however, the archetype is BOTH a precondition of realisation in your reality and also an OUTCOME of specific processes that you consciously enter into. So, paradoxically, you must begin from wholeness in order to enter into wholeness. Thankfully, wholeness is cyclical - or, more accurately, spiral in nature. There are layers. Wholeness here can be understood as completion. The World is the completion of a life cycle.. not the whole life, but a significant loop that completes itself. You have just emanated from such a cycle. And Sowelu echoes clearly this theme. It suggests having found ourself in some way. It is primarily in negation. Remember, we uncover what we truly desire by stripping away all that obstructs the real. You are peeling back the layers, one by one. To the right is the Six of Vessels, the gardener in this deck. Sixes always speak of balance. And here, the gardener tends and nurtures with perfect balance - neither too much, nor too little. Qualified by Gebo the partnership rune, it is clear that when less than whole, your giving/receiving have been unbalanced. This issue is up for attention for you. Interestingly, our culture continually wounds us by creating a duality between the source within and a dyad partnership model without. We consider our options to be shifting between alone or partnered. This reductionism has plagued us since the Industrial Revolution. The central pairing is key. The Three of Vessels is community. Connections are not either/or. We do not need to flit between alone/partnered. The message is from Inguz qualifying, which is the castrated male, that potential for growth of durable partnering comes from friendship bonds - actually meeting and appreciating the other deeply - nothing superficial here. The only durable way now to find wholeness in relationship is to take your current wholeness and resolve to patiently strip back your old fictions and filters of relationship and consciously learn to appreciate breadth as well as depth in relationship so you can truly transcend seeing a significant other merely as an instrument of your own needs and instead see the only thing which can actually BE loved... the true other
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:55:08 +0000

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