I wake up in the darkness and I reach for the word, the scriptures - TopicsExpress


I wake up in the darkness and I reach for the word, the scriptures I keep near by. Now I see the room has become dimly lit. And by this gentle light I see, twas all the light I ever needed to see, as the room continues to grow brighter. And this day the darkness finds me here no more. They say we learn line upon line, precept upon precept. Now Ill give you another 29 lines to explain the concept. I dont know if I can take it slow, cause there many lines to go. Man is slow to learn, quick to forget, and often full of regret. Embers quickly fading from a fire barely lit. Here is another line I will throw you, this all depends around which fire you walk, stand or sit. By Shared Capacitance, line upon line, the word of God, Living Water is shared. Thus precept by precept, by spirit our conduct He guides. Born again, by Living Water, the fire revived. For is it not written that the Kingdom of Heaven is within? One line, ten words, As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. Now I have to do this line upon line with one lane. The hedge by which God does guide us. The power of salvation, this path we must follow. 15 more lines to go now counting this one, so I hope you have followed. And Jesus did bid them to follow as He gave them line upon line to make them fishers of men. And this by Shared Capacitance they led. And He did breathe upon them and they did receive this. For by Shared Capacitance the Holy Spirit does give and is given. The devil has taken enough from us already, lets not let him take anymore. Now the devil would catch us in snares. Just tangled lines. Just Shared Capacitance twisted and misused. not like the net of salvation which protects and guards whats inside. Who knows how many lines to go now, and line by line I hope youve seen. Fore, like on a golf course, so everybody sees. Three, what God would have us see. Two, together, you and me. One, free. One, free! Two, together, you and me. Three, what God would have us see. Fore, like on a golf course so everybody sees. Who knows how many lines to go now, and line by line I hope youve seen. Not like the net of salvation which protects and guards whats inside. Just Shared Capacitance twisted and misused. Just tangled lines. Now the devil would catch us in snares. The devil has taken enough from us already, lets not let him take anymore. For by Shared Capacitance the Holy Spirit does give and is given. And He did breathe upon them and they did receive this. And this by Shared Capacitance they led. And Jesus did bid them to follow as He gave them line upon line to make them fishers of men. 15 more lines to go now counting this one, so I hope you have followed. The power of salvation, this path we must follow. The hedge by which God does guide us. Now I have to do this line upon line with one lane. One line, ten words, As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. For is it not written that the Kingdom of Heaven is within? Born again, by Living Water, the fire revived. Thus precept by precept, by spirit our conduct He guides. By Shared Capacitance, line upon line, the word of God, Living Water is shared. Here is another line I will throw you, this all depends around which fire you walk, stand or sit. Embers quickly fading from a fire barely lit. Man is slow to learn, quick to forget, and often full of regret. I dont know if I can take it slow, cause theres many lines to go. Now Ill give you another 29 lines to explain the concept. They say we learn line upon line, precept upon precept. I dont want you to think Im just talking metaphorically. I dont want you to look, think or act like Im just speaking rhetorically. Im not just speaking to hear my own words, its the truth. Since the days of Babel its been harder to hear. It all depends on which language you speak, and whos voice you do hear. Only by His Spirit one language is spoken. By Shared Capacitance this eternal language is beginning to show. Zion once spoke it and look what it did, this word of God made flesh. This language that comes from within. Yes, it is by Shared Capacitance the word of God is made flesh unto life or unto death. For it is written the word of God is a two edge sword. For the devil would use Shared Capacitance to enslave us instead of as God intended. That by this Shared Capacitance He would set us free. His Holy Spirit, you and me. For thus it is unto the third and fourth generation. This is the tendency of the human condition. Full of frustration instead of fruition. Its been this way since before the creation. I have heard that the angels have said,if not for Gods intervention (Shared Capacitance if you will) more than a third would have fell. The unspoken now spoken, the word of God made flesh. The war continues here, you see. Both the imprisoned and the free. For I believe Shared Capacitance is a rule for all to see. Six days for creation, each day was blessed. For I believe by Shared Capacitance He has saved the best for last. A few more lines to go now, and I hope you have seen. Shared Capacitance, simply put, is sharing our light, though some share only darkness. Who lights a candle and hides it? Shine! Shine! Who lights a candle and hides it? Shared Capacitance, simply put, is sharing our light, though some share only darkness. A few more lines to go now, and I hope you have seen. For I believe by Shared Capacitance He has saved the best for last. Six days for creation, each day was blessed. For I believe Shared Capacitance is a rule for all to see. Both the imprisoned and the free. The war continues here, you see. The unspoken now spoken, the word of God made flesh. I have heard that the angels have said, if not for Gods intervention (Shared Capacitance if you will) more than a third would have fell. Its been this way since before the creation. Full of frustration instead of fruition. This is the tendency of the human condition. For thus it is unto the third and fourth generation. His Holy Spirit, you and me. That by this Shared Capacitance He would set us free. For the devil would use Shared Capacitance to enslave us instead of as God intended. For it is written the word of God is a two edge sword. Yes, it is by Shared Capacitance the word of God is made flesh unto life or unto death. This language that comes from within. Zion once spoke it and look what it did, this word of God made flesh. By Shared Capacitance this eternal language is beginning to show. Only by His Spirit one language is spoken. It all depends on which language you speak, and whos voice you do hear. Since the days of Babel its been harder to hear. Im not just speaking to hear my own words, its the truth. I dont want you to look, think or act like Im just speaking rhetorically. I dont want you to think Im just talking metaphorically. Original writings by M.A.Powell 1/12/15 youtu.be/eCH9gClZprM
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:58:18 +0000

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