I walk to class, I sit at the mall, I sit at home on Facebook. - TopicsExpress


I walk to class, I sit at the mall, I sit at home on Facebook. Doesnt matter where I am I see judgement everywhere. Why do people care to bash on people? Because their not like them? Everyone is different, from the nerd who plays video games to the jock on the football team, the chess chick who no one likes, to the pretty white girl who everyone loves. This world isnt grey. And no ones the same. Because girls all dress like a cat for halloween or guys that think their all that or the ones who talk ghetto like their black. Whos to judge? Just because the girl who dates a different dude every weak or the guy that trys to be someone hes not doesnt give right to exclaimate someone for being different from you. Trends of our generation start all the time such as the duck face pose or the user created abrieviation words whether you chose to follow the trend or not is your choice, but kids cant hate on others for making a different choice, its not youre decision to make. It just bugs me to think about how everyone even tho they dont voluntarily know it, everyone wants everyone to be the same as them. Think about it. Our generation of high school is so judgemental with out even seeing the perspective from the other person. I cant seem to thinl of there really being a way to fix anything because its a latent function and it requires much more then a group of people to be able to make a change. Its like a law of high school. The labels abd hatred for people being different has become much more cynical, it just bugs me. Okay socialogical rant over.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 00:27:07 +0000

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