I wanna make a top post against Chico Zambrano and his stupid A** - TopicsExpress


I wanna make a top post against Chico Zambrano and his stupid A** welfare out of control, work dont eat post. 1st off....Public assistance is givne to ANYONE under the poverty line. That is 12% of the usa. yet 19% male less than 20k a year. what does that tell you about how LITTLE one has to make to be getting CASH assistance? do you know what CASH ASSISTANCE IS? like 300 dollars a month. the person cant have ANY INCOME AT ALL coming in. You see people getting BIG BIG GROCERY with food stamps...WOOOOO bad. Right? THATS ALL THE FOOD FOR A SINGLE MONTH......You get paid ONCE, not each week. it cannot pay for anything cooked NOR liquor, or ciggs. NOTHING that isnt food. WIC is for women infants and children. Typically its women with no dad at home. If you like going to cracker barrel, and you see the nice lady getting your food...SHE GETS PREGNANT AND HAS A KID ONE DAY, WHO WATCHES THE BABY? bills still come. Well how about she stay home? because you know, Cracker barrel doesnt care...shed be fired. She finds a Friend to sit, who watches kids? is that safe? wont you throw her in jail if you catch her doing that without a license? YES YOU PEOPLE DO. You see, YOU WONT BACK HIGHER WAGES, yet you wanna shop at the places you do and expect WORKERS THERE...you wanna complain about home depot not having people there to help yet DONT WANNA PAD the INCOME OF THE WORKER STHAT THE JUGGERNAUT pays a mear 9 dollars an hour to, to say may i help your UNION PAID A** You wont Penalize BIG companies like at&t for rinning to india because they wont even pay 8 bucks an hour for phone center workers..They ran to INDIA!!! You wanna send back the mexicans to mexico who dont belong, yet want someone to pick your fields for you.....AND THE WELFARE PEOPLE ALREADY ARE WORKING AT THE WALMART WHERE THE FOOD IS BEING SHIPPED TO....SO YOU CANT USE THEM EITHER... You wanna legalize weed...which MANY PEOPLE ACTUALLY USED AS INCOME.....AND IM TELLING YOU NOW...you dont back affirmative action so as to assure people will be hired fairly IN those stores! You are PRO one percenters and tell everyone else to pull themselves up from their boot straps then HAMPER any laws to assure that the people looking to CUT THE BOOTSTRAPS OF OTHERS so as to remain on top, are managed. Do you know WHY you cant go out and make your own radio station thats on the regular air waves? GOP regulations leaning toward the CORPORATIONS, and The DEMOCRAT Regulations from clinton that expanded it. THIS COUNTRY IS MOSTLY LOW INCOME, you idiots. You cant look at a median and include OPRAH WINFREY and a bum, when there are more bums than oprahs which are unwilling to hire them. HERE IS THE REAL NUMBERS.....REMOVE THE CELEBRITIES AND CEO!?!?!? AND WHAT DO YOU HAVE LEFT!?!? WELFAIR ELIGIBLE AMERICANS...I was at the US POST OFFICE AS A FULL TIME WORKER and STILL was eligible for it in the early 90s. Because the INCOME WAS THAT LOW. And they are UNION. You cant say keep the ceo raping the profits...and then say...DONT GIVE PEOPLE ASSISTANCE TO MAKE UP FOR THE CEO RIPPING AND RAPING THE PROFIT BOWL!!! how arrogant and blind you are. In 2006, there were approximately 116,011,000 households in the United States. The percent of all households had annual incomes exceeding $250,000 was 1.93% .[23] About 12.3% fell below the federal poverty threshold[24] and the bottom 20% earned less than $19,178.[25] The aggregate income distribution is highly concentrated towards the top, with the top 6.37% earning roughly one third of all income, and those with upper-middle incomes controlling a large, though declining, share of the total earned income.[7][26]
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 00:29:36 +0000

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