I want NO comprehensive bill of any sort taken up by the Senate or - TopicsExpress


I want NO comprehensive bill of any sort taken up by the Senate or Representatives! Has not history shown they can NOT develop any bill that works, is affordable and does not strip us of our GOD given rights. We should wait, which is a four letter word for democrats, until after mid-term elections to consider any major bill. Conservatives should play the same game the socialists are playing only in reverse. There is absolutely no reason or circumstance that gives such evidence of a need to rush. The word comprehensive itself dictates the use of time, thought and history. There is no need of urgency to counter any health epidemic, financial ruin or imminent war. The only possible need to rush must be POLITICAL! All branches of government have come together to change the culture of this country. They tell us that the Constitution does not mean what it clearly says. The Bill of Rights does not guarantee our civil rights. The Supreme court twists words in it’s decisions so that “We the People” are no longer viable. These three branches now tell us what is right, what is wrong. Up is down and down is up. Black is white and white is black. What was once moral is now immoral and immorality is now moral. “We the People” must once again fight and demand our Civil, God given rights be protected and FREELY PRACTICED! This is the reason for a Constitutional Republic. We have the right to determine how we live our lives and not told by a tyrannical government how to live and what we will or will not do with our GOD given life. We are created in the image of almighty GOD! To Him and Him alone do we owe allegiance.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 02:43:59 +0000

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