I want a plan “B” in case technology does not come to our - TopicsExpress


I want a plan “B” in case technology does not come to our rescue. As it stand now we are just hoping technology will come to our rescue. There are no sustainable energy sources that will rescue us at our current population levels . Global warming will only be mitigated with extremely stringent emissions policies that reduce our consumption rates. https://youtube/watch?v=B4Q271UaNPo We will not continue to see the same energy use per person or services provided to each person by increasing the use of sustainable energy methods and improved efficiency in the use of energy. It is false to assume that when we no longer have economic growth, things will just slow down. If is false to assume by reducing consumption and by constructing sustainable energy infrastructure and then everything will level out and avoid the collapse of industrial civilization. Americans have a right to want zero population growth and this cannot happen due to our national immigration policy. 2. Ethical population reduction must be a part of any plan to rationally deal with peak oil (the end of cheap oil, natural gas, and coal), global climate change, species decline or extinction, and natural resources depletion. 3. We must change our ethical standard and agree that the most ethical behavior is to adopt a child and it is a bit less ethical to only have one child or twins. We must help educate women in the world. 4. Global climate change will only be mitigated with extremely stringent emissions policies that reduce our consumption rates. thomhartmann/bigpicture/if-you-live-near-coast-you-may-want-move A new study finds more than 80 percent of the world’s known coal reserves, and about half of gas reserves, must remain unburned in order to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change. https://youtube/watch?v=8fr-0-H0wSI But now 86% of the world’s population lives in countries where the demands made on nature - the nation’s “ecological footprint” - outstrip what that country’s resources can cope with. The Global Footprint Network, which calculates earth overshoot day, said it would currently take 1.5 Earths to produce the renewable natural resources needed to support human requirements. theguardian/environment/2014/aug/19/earth-ecological-debt-earlier Climate Change and Population are related. The Aspen Institute has estimated that voluntary family planning for all who want it could provide 8 to 15 percent of needed carbon reductions. David Wheeler and Dan Hammer at the Center for Global Development argue that putting climate dollars into family planning programs (to make up for expected shortfalls) compares favorably to many investments in low-carbon technologies. In developing countries, more than 220 million women want to avoid pregnancy but are not using modern contraceptives. In developed countries, removing barriers to top-tier, long-acting contraceptives like IUDs and implants dramatically changes the rate of unintended pregnancy. grist.org/climate-energy/hey-u-n-climate-change-and-population-are-related/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Daily%2520Sept%252018&utm_campaign=daily abrupt global warming https://youtube/watch?v=EmIkppjplqU Science of Climate Change - Water Climate and Society: Challenges in a Rapidly Changing World https://youtube/watch?v=tMjg9SCSgew Climate change videos 1/2 https://youtube/watch?v=a51mWYhVmek part 2/2 human cause of global warming https://youtube/watch?v=fTgAiyo0xwY methane bomb https://youtube/watch?v=-fAHqn0K5wQ Here are some good videos https://youtube/watch?v=-A_IpfQ93_g https://youtube/watch?v=nqcxnOema_o https://youtube/watch?v=yqNOLhCPDRM https://youtube/watch?v=NI3ZvBnifqA Another study revealed how dust in the wind, of which there is much more than usual, due to spreading drought, is quickening the melting of Greenlands embattled ice sheet, which is already losing somewhere between 200 to 450 billion tons of ice annually. The study showed that increased dust on the ice will contribute towards another 27 billion tons of ice lost. global economic collapse will happen very soon. bing/videos/search?q=Walking+Away+From+Empire&FORM=VIRE8#view=detail&mid=C3EE5628C755F5E96EC0C3EE5628C755F5E96EC0 How will the one percent, the US super rich react when we lock up $10 trillion of the assets they have invested in fossil fuels? thenation/article/179461/new-abolitionism?page=0,0 In his book Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth? Alan Weisman explains that population is going in the wrong direction The Long Emergency by James Kuntsler The Party’s Over, by Richard Heinberg THE END OF GROWTH BY RICHARD HEINBERG Economists insist that recovery is at hand, yet unemployment remains high, real estate values continue to sink, and governments stagger under record deficits. The End of Growth proposes a startling diagnosis: humanity has reached a fundamental turning point in its economic history. youtube/watch?v=XjFQLGVIJak The End of Cheap Oil https://facebook/groups/149243698443944/#!/groups/461146587275445/ Running on Empty Caucus of United States Democrats https://facebook/groups/149243698443944/ Changing the norm to help stop global warming https://facebook/groups/753844034662249/ Puget Sound Survival Community https://facebook/groups/1435706693314077/
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 22:43:44 +0000

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