I want each and every one of you who read this to take a moment - TopicsExpress


I want each and every one of you who read this to take a moment and count your blessings. My friend Jack whom I have mentioned several times has a heavy heavy burden on him right now. Jack and I have been friends for probably 40 years or better. In the last couple of years he had lung cancer, was operated on and took the treatments for it. While he was recovering his wife was having nasal problems but put off going to the doctor due to Jacks recovery process. When she did go they found she had a melanoma cancer in her sinus. No treatment worked for it and she got progressively worse. About 2 months ago his dad passed away and he had that to deal with. His wife passed away about 3 weeks ago and he was having to go through her sickness and watching her as she got worse and worse. While they were both sick and recovering, they were not able to winterize their home here in Clarksville properly and the other day when he turned the water on to power wash their house the pipe inside the house had burst and he pumped 4 hours of water into his house. He got everything out that got wet and got started on the process of insurance claims etc. Thursday night we had a monsoon come through and dumped a tremendous amount of rain in our area. When he came down yesterday to meet the insurance adjustor for the burst pipe and damage he found that his whole basement had been flooded by the monsoon. I went over this morning to help him find where the problem was. He had no idea what had happened. His house and my house were built alike as far as the basement is concerned and I had no water problems. I went over and asked him where his white drain pipes were (from the French drain around his house).? He said he didnt know. I got to looking and found one which had been covered over with dirt and it had plugged the drain line up. He said he had never seen the other one. (there is one on each side of the house.. I looked and could not find it. I had to take Ann too South Boston but when I got back we were going to look for iit. When I got back he and a friend had found it and the landscapers had covered it up with a foot of dirt. There was no way they could drain. Water seeks its lowest level so it went into the basement. Anything that wasnt wet before got wet Thursday night. We have all the drain lines open noow and water is still flowing out from the foundation area. Now: Count your blessings. I was going to invite Jack to church tomorrow and to eat with us after church but he is going back to Richmond tonight so he can go to his church in the morning. Thank You Lord that we could help Jack in this Delima.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 20:15:32 +0000

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