I want to address The LORD’s methodology on dealing with - TopicsExpress


I want to address The LORD’s methodology on dealing with addictions versus the world’s methodology. Many say they have dealt with addictions through doctors, medications, man-made programs and have found success without ever cracking a Bible open or seeking GOD. But what I am talking about is dealing with the flesh—this is the human response to reaching for the sin button versus the LORD’s Way button. The secular world is not going to address this matter by its humanistic scheme of things. This is the CRITICAL component that the lukewarm churches are missing/not teaching. Most people go to church on Sunday and sometimes another day of the week (and sometimes attend church even less frequently) with a big focus on socialized activities and church “busy work” and think they have the “religious piece” of their life taken care of and then they don’t give any more time to GOD the rest of the week. This is the biggest organized lie being given out to the Christian community today. People who adhere to this plan are going to find themselves rejected by CHRIST in the next life if they think that this is enough to enter into heaven. In fact, addictions and sin will be a continual cycle of frustration and disappointment if you think this weak or lukewarm treatment of GOD will suffice. The first most significant event that must take place is to submit/surrender your life and future plans to CHRIST, repent to CHRIST because of past sin, pray to be in the Will of the FATHER, and start to read your Bible. Pray for the HOLY SPIRIT to take over (or fill or be baptized by the HOLY SPIRIT) your spirit. The Bible is the place you begin to see the ways you are going wrong or going against GOD. By reading the Bible—even in small daily amounts (you don’t have to take on large, overwhelming amounts every day) the LORD begins to reveal to you how your ways are not and have not been HIS ways. This is vital to the renewing of the mind (or changing from your former secular/worldly viewpoint to the LORD’s Viewpoint) that the Apostle Paul speaks of in the New Testament. Here is the key component to addictions, sin, being prepared for the entrance into heaven OR in other words: having your garments clean—spotless and stain-free: “intimacy with the LORD.” Attending church twice a week or less and not giving any more thought to GOD, that isn’t intimacy any more than you can have a relationship with anyone by touching base with them once in a great while. Intimacy with the LORD according to the Bible isn’t just a nice little idea—it is required for entrance into heaven. If you are intimate with someone, you have to take time to know about them, learn what they like, dislike, and to be their friend—even best friend. Now if you take time to find out what the LORD likes and dislikes by reading your Bible, talking to HIM throughout your day (this is called prayer), and surrendering to HIS LORDSHIP over your life—then you are going to discover that HE is absolutely worthy of your intimate devotion. When you find out how much love GOD has for you (more than anyone else you will ever meet or know)—there will be a great exchange of your heart that will take place—even a renewing of the mind. Something much greater than any secular or worldly addiction program will influence your life: you will have an overwhelming desire to not HURT your CREATOR—the ONE WHO Made you—the ONE WHO LOVES you like NO OTHER. You will long to be in HIS Presence and to spend more and more time with HIM. Soon you will need to make choices: because you won’t want to be doing worldly things (or things against GOD’s Ways) while you share time and space with a HOLY GOD. The more time you devote to GOD, the more you will desire to refrain from doing things that would hurt or disappoint HIM. And, by spending more and more time in the presence of GOD—you will receive the supernatural Power of the HOLY SPIRIT to help you quit the things you know in your heart are wrong. This is the key to dealing with hard-core additions: putting aside all other lesser pursuits and making more and more time for the LORD. There is NO other way. Half-hearted pursuit of GOD won’t cut it. You can’t cheat your way into heaven—any more than you can cheat your way through school and really and truly know the material. You must decide—just how important is your eternal salvation and the quality of your experience for the balance of your life remaining?
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 06:07:36 +0000

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