I want to address some of the Israeli propaganda based on my own - TopicsExpress


I want to address some of the Israeli propaganda based on my own experience, based on what I have seen with my own eyes. 1. Human shields - Never saw this from Palestinians. I did see many, many times when israel soldiers killed children on purpose and claimed that militants were hiding behind the children. This was an absolute lie. I have personally been there right in the midst of israel shooting unarmed children, several times, and there were NO militants around anywhere then I read the Israeli account the next day when they claimed they were being shot at from militants hiding behind the women and children. Rubbish. On the other hand I have seen the IOF force Palestinian children to stand in front of the soldier as a human shield. 2. womens rights - the Palestinian women are amazing! They are brave and strong and they do what they want to do. I cannot imagine a Palestinian woman accepting being treated unfairly even if a Palestinian man or govt tried to. I cannot think of any aspect where the women are treated as sub par to men in Palestine. It is the woman who is control. Make no mistake. 3. Branch of same tree as Isis - utterly garbage. There is more similarity between israel and ISIS than Hamas and ISIS. I lived there and ever felt any oppression for anything, including rights as a woman and religious rights. There is more problem and more pressure over religious orientation on America than in Palestine or in Iran for that matter. 4. Israel going after terrorists - I personally have seen the IOF targeting a home. When I questioned them about why they were doing it they answered there were terrorists inside. When I asked who they couldnt answer. When I asked what the terrorist looked like they couldnt answer. They had to wait for the name of the person they killed and then would claim he was the terrorist they had been looking for the entire time but they couldnt say had terrorist act he had committed. His family, friends and neighbours say he was not involved in any militant organization and never had a gun. Israel, of course never provides any evidence they just say theyve eliminated a terrorist. 5. Weeding out the terrorists - I spent weeks in a refugee camp where every single night the tanks and soldiers roamed the streets shooting randomly at homes for hours. There was a curfew by Israel for 24 hours a day not allowing people to go outside for any reason, you would be shot on sight if you did. Night after night for hours during the darkness the shooting and the loud tanks billowed an awful blue smoke all over. We lay on the floor while bullets whizzed over our heads night after night. Finally someone will have had enough and will throw a rock at the armoured tanks or poke their head beside a curtain to see what is going on and they would be shot dead. Israel would claim they got some terrorists. I can tell you that I, a pacifist, after 3 weeks of dodging bullets each night, I was ready to go out and face them. That was after 3 weeks, imagine how you would feel if this happened to you each night. I remember once I got up to look and as I approached the window a member of my host family grabbed me and pulled me to the floor as bullets came through the walls. I cannot adequately express the torment the Palestinians have lived under for over 66 years. You have to see it yourselves to know what it is really like. All this for Israel? These Jews in Israel are not the Jews of biblical times. They have no DNA in common with the original Jews in Palestine. They are of European descent who converted to Judaism in the 7th century. They discriminate against the darker skinned Jews who lived in Palestine and who are cousins of the Palestinians. They Jewish race look like Palestinians, but the European Jews are descendants of converts to the religion, not the race. IF you are a christian Zionist who believes that you cannot turn your back on Israel, have you considered that it was the race that you shouldnt turn your back on rather than a bunch of Europeans whose family converted to Judaism 1400 years ago but whose descendants dont follow the religion at all, who only use the religion as an excuse to steal land and kill the Palestinians?
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 09:21:16 +0000

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