I want to ask every single person I know who trains why the hell - TopicsExpress


I want to ask every single person I know who trains why the hell they are drinking cheap ass protein drinks, most store bought protein bars and many other health supplements that all your mates are drinking and eating or your gym is endorsing or you are endorsing when they are full of sucralose, Ace K and aspartame (also now being called amino sweet) and also soy????? I have only ever found one supplement system that does not use any of these in their products and I use it. If you are smart enough to train then be smart enough to understand what you are TRULY putting in your body (and brave enough not to do what everyone else is doing cause it is cool or you will be judged). The absolutely WORST thing you can be putting into your body after training is the artificial sweeteners that are in these products, your body is primed to uptake the nutrients and you are giving it toxic crap. I have researched my stuff, I have looked at the labels of literally hundreds of protein powders and bars and it makes me sad when I see people drinking and eating it willingly, because instead of improving their health they are damaging it and loading it with toxins. A little while back I was given some supplements to try for free by a friend who is endorsed by a very popular company that would have been worth a few hundred dollars. Guess where it all ended up? In the rubbish!!!! Not a chance in hell was I putting any of it in my body because every single product had at least sucralose in it :( yet so many gyms stock it and people are guzzling it down before, during and after workouts :( Please look at what is in your supplements and dont fall for the pretty colours or the athletes that are being paid to use it. Ask questions and educate yourselves - or ....... you can go ahead and eat and drink it and take your chances. I am not taking that chance, so I choose to not have any of it in my nutrition. Just my thoughts :) xoox the-open-mind/20-ingredients-to-memorize-avoid-in-any-food-you-consume/
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 04:28:35 +0000

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