I want to be a better Son, Father, Brother and Friend a lot of you - TopicsExpress


I want to be a better Son, Father, Brother and Friend a lot of you know me as Mark the person that lives a care free life with no stress that give great advice on life and how to help people in their time of stress and struggle by his words I appreciate everyone that I have inspired in the past or even now but let me tell you a little about my life so you can understand me fully i struggle most of my life to be a better person I live the demons ways but have a heart like an angel when it comes to me trying to change the world one person at a time I held grudges in the past and kinda still do for my real parents giving me up I felt like if they didnt love me then who would I grew up with the best of parents taught me from right and wrong and kept me safe the best way possible ive taken out my anger out on their love and pushed everyone away that tried to love and care cause of the pain I felt deep in my heart not realizing that all they trying to do is help me not hurt me. Stephanie Goldstein I apologize for giving you so much shit your fam to me and I shouldnt be so hard on you I just dont want you going down a un happy road like I have because of depression it took me awhile to let go of my pain but I stood alone at the end of it all I love you fam. Ursula Marie Griner Moss your my blood your the better half of me and the one person I have the uo most respect for you took me in and cared for me like no other and I know I cant be a pain in your ass sometimes but what are brothers for right...I love you dearly your all I got. Mike Simmons I appreciate you for accepting me for who I am I know I can get under your skin at time but just know I mean nothing by it nor any harm you just want whats best for me and I understand that and love ya for it no homo Ashley Masline you my friend I couldnt ask for a better friend you been their for me through thick and thin you seen sides of me that no one else have and help me to get threw a lot you are like fam to me and always will be. Darrick Favors bro me and you go way back since high school you have always been the religious side that kept me on my feet on a religious base term your a good friend bro and I respect you for who you are always bro. Devonna Chaney Goldstein you are my favorite out of the Chaney your present is always worth the ride along and I appreciate you for helping me out when you can Lynnea Gamel your like a little sister to me known each other for years since I came into this country me and you see eye to eye on a lot of things because we have experience things most people would only see in nightmares or tv I got much love for you never forget that Jason Smith Jason jason we been threw alot to man we struggled together and seen each other at our lowest point in life we had our ups and downs but just know at the end of our battles we settle all thats under the bridge. And last but not least Cara Huerta I care about you alot and I know you have alot going on with your life and im sorry if Im the extra stress in your life its not my intention it never was nor will be be patient with me as I am with you everything will fall into place in time and when it does you will see the bigger pictures behind your wall of confusion. To and all of you that I mentioned in this post im only human and trying to do better ive been a burden to alot of you guys and im sorry that it came about, things will change in time I love all of you guys whether yall believe it or not only the man upstairs knows the truth. Mark Griner
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:00:17 +0000

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