I want to be completely honest, open and transparent with you as I - TopicsExpress


I want to be completely honest, open and transparent with you as I ask you all to help us to pray and try to give you direction as to how you may best do so. The primary emotion that is constant and remains with Mama Joyce is one of despondency and absolute sadness these days. She has become almost completely unable to stand and cannot walk more than a feeble step or two with help. Continually her plea, almost all day long, is Please....please...please... Originally, I thought this was directed toward us, but it has become clear that she is crying out to God for ultimate peace. My mother is in pain. Cognitively, she finds it difficult to even communicate her specific physical pain, but most of all it is her emotional pain that most causes her misery. Her mind, her body and now her spirits are failing her in catastrophic ways. Mother is absolutely inconsolable. In recent days, I have quietly joined her in calling out to The Lord to put an end to her suffering and to bring her home as quickly as His purposes for her have been fulfilled. This morning, Barbara and I sat down and had a difficult conversation with her. I told her that all in this world that needed to be done had been done, that she has done her work well and with distinction and grace. We assured her that there is nothing for her to fear, and that if she is ready and wants to go to heaven she has our permission and our blessings to do so. Some may see this as cold or as uncaring, but I assure you it is not for my own selfish motives that we did this. In fact, while I know I will grieve her absence, I began this grieving process a long while ago, and I have missed my mother for many many months or longer. Honestly, I dont have any other hope left for my mother except for her to be in His presence and the place of His promise. For those of you with the faith and the courage to pray such emboldened prayers, I ask with tears that you join and agree with us
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 18:22:35 +0000

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