I want to do an MS in Germany. Is it necessary to learn German - TopicsExpress


I want to do an MS in Germany. Is it necessary to learn German language? In my under graduate degree we were having German language as a subject so is it necessary that i have to give exam of level A1 and A2 to qualify my admission in Germany? If you are applying for a course taught in English, it is often not mandatory to know the German language. However, it is always an advantage to know some German language if you wish to find part time jobs, to land good internships or more importantly seek employment in Germany after your studies. For some international degree programmes, basic German language proficiency is required. In case you are opting for such programmes, you may want to appear for A1/A2 exams. Such programmes often give students a semester or two to achieve the proficiency level. I am a second year student of Electronics and Communication Engineering. I would like to know the fee structure for MS courses. Are part-time jobs allowed during the course of study? In Germany, most of the institutions of higher education charge no or very little tuition fee — to the tune of 500 Euro per semester. However, you will need to pay semester contribution ranging from Euro 50 to 250, depending upon the university and the services or benefits provided. Besides this you need to take into account your living expenses of around Euro 740 a month and travel expenses to and from India when you prepare your budget. As an Indian student, you can work for 120 full days or 240 half days in a year. While this can certainly support your sustenance, we advise not to have an earn-and-learn strategy for higher education in Germany. What are the chances of job prospects in Germany after completion of an MS degree? The German Parliament has implemented the EU Blue Card and a new unlimited work and residence permit to grant foreign graduates of German universities unrestricted access to the job market. Also, after completing one’s degree programme from a German university, one is allowed to stay in Germany for 18 months to look for a job in keeping with one’s qualification. For more information mail us on smita@qbixacademia or call us on 9763082333 Germany university is best for engineering OCTOBER 17, 2013 5:24 AM / LEAVE A COMMENT Engineering is a very interesting study program and the alumni of the degree are demanded hardly at the job market. The main programs of this subject are Engine Building, Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences, Industrial Engineering and Building or Architecture. As different as the subjects is the working area in which the alumni can get a job later. Those who are interested in technology or in the other subjects can use this study programs to draw ones future. Engineering can be studied in Germany at universities or at technical colleges. For the university the Abitur grade is required, for the technical colleges only the suitable degree is required. For international students a similar degree is enough. Interest and maybe a short knowledge in the subject natural sciences, mathematics and computer sciences are good for this study programs. The engineering programs have been changed with the introduction of the Bachelor and Master system as many other programs in Germany. Now the programs at the different universities are more similar to each other. To find the suitable university or technical college one should think about the future job he or she wants to have and about practical parts of the programs. Practical knowledge is very important in this area. It is anticipated from the alumni that they are able to use their theoretical knowledge and apply it practically. Therefore, it is necessary to do internships and in most study programs it is required to do one. The part Building and Architecture deals with main problems of the actual century. Space and housing shortage play a big role as well as environmental problems and sustainable building. Alumni in this subject can shape the future of tomorrow and change the cities of the future with their ideas. JOBS after completing Master in Management OCTOBER 14, 2013 5:49 AM / LEAVE A COMMENT Master in Management Jobs Since career preparation is one of the main goals of a Master in Management program, it’s important to know about the types of jobs available to graduates, as well as how employers perceive MIM graduates. Most Master in Management students start in entry-level roles. For example, a MIM graduate who works in consulting will probably work as an analyst after graduation, instead of starting in an associate role. At IE Business School, 93% of 2012 MIM graduates were hired within three months of graduation. These graduates work in a variety of industries, including consumer goods (31%), consulting (23%) and financial services (13%). In terms of job role, the majority of IE’s MIM graduates work in marketing (44%), consulting (23%), and finance/accounting (19%). While more employers hire MBA graduates, employer demand for Masters in Management graduates is on the rise. According to the Graduate Management Admission council year- end poll of employers , 43% of the 201 employers surveyed plan to hire Master in Management candidates in 2013 – a 10% increase compared to the previous year. Of those employers, 19% said they would be likely to hire more Master in Management candidates this year. One of the selling points for MIM students is that their relative freshness can make them easier to train. Based on his conversations with IE’s Career Management group and other schools, Professor Ravindran has found that, “A certain set of companies tend to think of the MIM as more amenable to being assimilated into their corporate culture. [MIM graduates] come with less institutional memory.” So for recent graduates who know they want to become business leaders, a Master in Management degree can be a way to start achieving goals more quickly. In order to know if the degree is right for you, consider how soon you want to get started in a management role, and how open you are in terms of specialization and career path. Mail us on smita@qbixacademia or call us on 9763082333 Regards Smita Information on Pre Germany application requirement OCTOBER 8, 2013 6:22 AM / LEAVE A COMMENT The prospective foreign students’ need for information on studying in Germany depends, in particular, on the following factors: Their country of origin (EU/EEA or other country) How long they plane to study in Germany (full degree course, 1-2 semesters abroad, doctorate, summer course Their personal status as a student (programme student, scholarship holder or free mover)
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 09:58:25 +0000

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