I want to elaborate more on my flat tire incident this afternoon - TopicsExpress


I want to elaborate more on my flat tire incident this afternoon because its been bothering me all day. The story: I was stopped in a left-turning lane, well behind the intersection and there was a lot of room to go around me before the lights, and I had my hazard lights on. Older gentleman stops behind me and is clearly not getting the message to go around me and keeps raising his arms and looking frustrated, despite me waving him around through my rear window and also sticking my arm out of the car to indicate that he needs to go around. I got out of my vehicle and walked over to his (calmly and not threateningly) and when he opened his door a crack, I said Excuse me sir, I have a flat tire and my hazard lights are on. Youre going to have to go around me. In a really snarky voice and with a nasty look on his face, he responds, Well, maybe you need to take a pill! First of all, I have no idea what that even means in this situation. But thats beside the point. What you dont know about me, sir, is that I do take a pill. Two, actually. Two little yellow capsules every morning, to help with the postpartum depression that Ive struggled with for 18 months and that I left undiagnosed for far too long. Most days they help a lot but today had already been an especially hard day. I have two sick and cranky kids who were both up much of the night and needing mommy especially, so I started off the day mentally exhausted. My husband was working today, so I was flying solo with my still-cranky toddlers. Then I had a battle with my 3-year-old over attending her swimming lessons that left me emotionally drained too. It was my first ever flat tire and I quickly remembered that I kept putting off renewing my AMA membership. I dont know how to change a tire (good news is that now I do!), and I was just feeling overwhelmed and didnt know what to do. Yep, I was panicking a bit. Im not sharing this because I want pity (because Im feeling sorry enough for myself right now). Im sharing because its proof that you truly dont know what another person is going through. Your words and intent have the power to cheer someone up and brighten their day, or to crush them. I urge you all to choose wisely. What was probably just a little blip in this mans fine Saturday has turned into an experience that is still sitting in my heart and mind. So, the next time you come across a little obstacle, maybe like someone clearly having car troubles in your lane, consider choosing kind and compassionate words and actions, instead of mean-spirited and hurtful ones.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 04:08:15 +0000

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