I want to emphasize that in no way do I wish to offend ANYTIME by - TopicsExpress


I want to emphasize that in no way do I wish to offend ANYTIME by this post. My intent is solely meant to enlighten. When I first got save in 2006, the man who led me to the Lord in his log house would later give me a KJV Study Bible. I thought to myself, cant I get one of those easy to read Bibles? Arent all Bibles the same? The answer came quickly, NO, NOT ALL BIBLES ARE THE SAME Psalms 12:6-7 (KJV) The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. Psalms 12:6-7 (NIV) And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times. 7 O LORD, you will keep us safe and protect us from such people forever. Can you see how the meaning is completely corrupted by this supposed improved Bible. God is unchangeable. Gods word is unchangeable too. In Matthew 24:35, the Lord Jesus said, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Why then are we so ready to accept changes to Gods word in the form of different Bible versions? The Authorized King James text has faithfully served the body of Christ for almost 400 years [this article was written in 1996]. During this time, and during its translation, Satan has viciously and relentlessly attacked it. I now hear Christians attacking it too! Ive heard preachers and lay people say things like, its too hard to read or it doesnt properly reflect the true meaning of the original Greek. The issue about the original Greek gets my hair on the back of my neck sticking up--which Greek? There are Greek manuscripts galore, including the corrupted manuscripts that certain religions use. The snide remarks and attacks against this utterly reliable text are unfounded. We must remember that the Bible is a spiritual book and is understandable to those who are led by Gods Spirit. It is not possible for the natural man to understand it (I Corinthians 2:14), hence paraphrasing or simplifying it will do no good. The Bible is not supposed to read like a fairy tale--Peter said, for we have not followed cunningly devised fables (II Peter 1:16). The words of the King James Bible are not laborious to me, they are beautiful and full of Gods power. Even the world knows it--the King James has been listed on Norton Anthologys list of the worlds best literature for decades. How many classes have you been in where every student has a different textbook? None. It just doesnt make good sense on a very practical level. We all need to be on the same sheet of music so that we are in harmony. Lets not confuse our children or new Christians by teaching/preaching from the NKJV,NIV, NASV, LB, the Message, Phillips, GN, etc. Lets not accept the premise that the tried and true King James is somehow outdated and is to be replaced by dozens of new translations. A standard test determined the KJV reading level to be 5th grade because it contains mostly one and two-syllablic words making it one of the easiest to read. People have been getting saved by reading it for a long, long time. We know that it contains the Word of life whereby we live and grow. Satan knows that in a generation we wont uniformly quote the scriptures. Imagine ten people with ten different translations trying to recite a psalm together. Confusion. Satan knows that many newborn babes in Christ will not have the real milk that they need in order to grow because theyll have a watered down version of the truth. He figures that if he cant kill the babes, hell do the next best thing-stunt their growth. At the same time the world will point to Christianity and say, They dont even have a definitive word of God. Anybody can write a Bible. They already say that the Bible was just written by men. It is my view that the production of these new translations has served to undermine the spiritual foundations of our country and weaken the message of churches. The new versions are not really better than the old one. The abandonment of the King James Bible by our churches has not been a good thing. Would you use a Bible version if you discovered that it had changed some verses to: remove Jesus name remove Jesus as the ‘only begotten Son switch the name of Lucifer and Jesus remove proof that Jesus is God remove validation of the virgin birth remove that our redemption is through Jesus blood remove proof of the Holy Trinity and remove proof that you have eternal life in Jesus. The NIV has removed 17 entire verses, and major portions of at least 147 verses! The NIV removes a total of 64,576 words, which is 8% of God’s word. The NIV removes wonderful Bible “terms” like Jehovah, Godhead, remission, regeneration, impute and propitiation. And now the newly updated 2011 NIV Bible has been changed to be ‘politically correct’ and ‘gender neutral’. So they do much more than make the Bible easier to read, they change the truths of God, which is deception. And this is exactly what Satan wants, as he is the father of all lies. He seeks to misrepresent what God said, just like he did in the garden of Eden. He has caused men to write alternative versions of the Bible, which change the meanings of the words, and leave out entire verses. He seeks to confuse Christians and create divisions in the church; to destroy Christianity; and to cause unbelievers to dismiss the Bible as the authoritative Word of God. By having different versions that conflict with one another, people don’t understand why they should believe that the Bible is the Word of God and not the words of men. And when they remove the deity of Jesus, his redeeming blood sacrifice and the Holy Trinity, they remove Christians ability to prove that these things are true.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 05:21:43 +0000

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