I want to explain something to you, Rachel. You most likely will - TopicsExpress


I want to explain something to you, Rachel. You most likely will not understand what Im telling you, just as you didnt quite understand my okcupid profile. It seems that, to you, its all just a bunch of words that dont mean anything, much like the words that come out of your mouth. Let me just get to the chase. I think about you every day... *all day*. Im not JUST SAYING THAT! I really, and truly think about you THAT MUCH! Even on my days off, when I think about you, only a fraction of a fraction of those thoughts are anything good, like how much I loved your smile. The rest of those thoughts, the other 99.9999999% of them, are about all your deviant and treacherous behaviors, and then I plot, and plot some more. Do you see where Im going with this? Probably not... So this is where I make you an offer, and you have two options to choose from. Option one: You can continue ignoring me, and live to regret it. Trust me on this. You will... regret it. OR Option two: Contact me, meet up with me, be my friend, and we can agree on a more peaceful, humane conclusion that would guarantee you and I share an eternal bond. Since youd believe that all my words are just words, and serve no purpose, option one is most likely what youd roll with. You may never even read this, which would be a shame, because Id much rather take option two with you. If I had an opportunity to elaborate on those options, you would most certainly choose option two, but then my plans could be jeopardized. Simply put, we can do things by your accord, or by my dominion. The choice is entirely yours.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 13:32:55 +0000

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